Single men are starting to pile up on the corner of the cobbles, have you noticed? We have Ken, Norris, Sean, Brian, Roy, Chesney, Craig, Luke, David, Adam and now Steve. There are a number of single women at the moment, as well. Liz, Tracy, Rosie, Sophie, Alya, Cathy, Yasmeen, Kate, Rita, Gail, Shona, Audrey, Gemma, Mary.
Since soaps don't seem to want to keep anyone single for long, it's a pretty safe bet that a few of those men will find someone to warm the cockles of their hearts before too long. I had time to let my mind wander around on the subject. See if you agree or disagree with my ideas.
Brian and Cathy are already making eyes at each other, we can probably pull them off the list though I really don't think they will go the distance. Brian is far too selfish and oafish. Cathy and Roy really would have been ideal but Roy isn't ready and maybe he never will be and that's ok. Maria isn't on the list because of her affair with Aidan. We might reserve the more senior characters for the moment as well. Please, Romance Gods, don't put Audrey and Ken together now that Freddie has gone!
There has been speculation that the Powers that Be will throw Shona and David together. I kind of hope not because it would be weird for David to be romantically partnered with the mother of the man that killed his wife. But stranger things have happened. They are about the same age, actually. We were told that Shona was just about 13 when she gave birth to Clayton who was 15 when he killed Kylie. I think I'd rather see David single for a little while longer and then meet someone completely new.
But you know, I think Shona might make a good partner for Steve even if she's almost a generation younger than he is. (and a couple of Coronation Street Blog commenters seem to have agreed with me just as I was writing this!) That never stopped a romantic pairing on Corrie. Most of Deirdre's men were yards older than her! Shona has that earthy no-nonsense attitude and she's not self centered or a drama queen like Michelle. I think she could suit Steve very well and throw in the added bonus that a new partner, a much younger model, would put a knot in Michelle's face even if she does say she doesn't want Steve any more. I like her, I do. There's something about her. What I don't want is for Steve to end up with Leanne with the only thing they have in common being wee Oliver. Leanne needs someone responsible, someone that isn't jealous and insecure. I used to think she and Robert would have made a good couple but I don't really like him much anymore. Leanne and Peter are water under the bridge, too.
I think Rob Donovan was the love of Tracy's life. He really "got" her, accepted her for all her faults and they really worked well together. They also had more than the usual things in common. Murder, much? But since that's a no-go now that Rob is back inside, I wonder if Luke can forgive her? They weren't a bad couple though Luke is probably too honest for Tracy. I think we should suggest that Luke and Alya get together. Alya has ambitions but maybe she'd like a steady guy who is good with his hands, eh? They need to use Alya or lose her because on the rare occasion we do see her these days, she's got her nose in the air or a scowl on her face. They've made her dislikable and I'm afraid she probably isn't going to be around long if they can't think of something soon.
I would have suggested Gemma and Chesney get together but I really don't think they would make a very good couple. Gemma would have him for breakfast. I'm pleased that Gemma is trying to gain some confidence and turn her life around, I really am, but she's far too much for Chesney and he's too much of an old soul for her.
I don't think Kate and Sophie should get together but what happened to their friendship? It seemed to go the way of the dodo after Caz left and Kate got embroiled in her father's fling with Jenny Bradley and is now pursuing her father's health problems. Mind you, when Kate first arrived on the scene, I did think she would be a good partner for Sophie. She has a sense of humour and is a lot of fun and would bring Sophie out of her surliness. Rosie should not be with someone like Adam because he wouldn't treat her well. He'd look down on her and treat her like an object. She and Jason were really good together. Jason adored and cherished her and They were pretty much equal in the intelligence department. I do think Rosie needs to mature a bit, though, because she's getting too old to be this daft bimbo. She's got to find a direction for her life or a hidden talent.
I'd also like to see Sean find someone that truly appreciates him. I did think he and Billy were good together but I'm sure there's a match out there for Sean somewhere. Maybe someone a little older who can give him a bit more confidence in himself so he won't be such a slave to his own insecurities. It would be nice to see him reconnect with his son, Dylan, too. Maybe find some who has a child of his own, something they'd have in common.
While it's lovely to see some of the senior characters find love, it feels too incestuous for any of them to fall for any of the others. They've all been friends for far too long for it to believably morph into love.
Finally, it seems very much like Nick is spiralling into his jealousy again over Peter and Steve both. Nick's jealousy and insecurity is going to be his downfall I think. Leanne is already showing signs of him being instrumental in putting her between a rock and a hard place constantly by not being able to compromise. Leanne should stay single for awhile, please. Don't put her with Steve just because she's got Steve's baby.
Who would you like to see some of the Corrie singles matched up with? Someone current or new? Someone unexpected?
Crossposted from State of the Street
By Tvor (Twitter @tvordlj)
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Love the write up. I agree....after seeing Audrey with Freddie, I realized how wrong Ken would be for her.
David has form....Tina....Kylie....small feisty ladies. Please bring in someone new for David. He loves completely, does not cheat, and is a great dad....give him someone special!
I love the idea of Shona with Steve.....she would be a great one to stand up to Michelle. I think her character probably needs a break...I think Liz would love her. Please make this happen Corrie planners!
The only thing that would be cool about Leanne and Robert getting together would be how much it would annoy Michelle.
As for Tracy....Rob Donovan must return!!!!!! Let Tracy be happy and successful for a while please. Surely she deserves a turn.
Shona and Steve might be OK, but it wouldn't worry me if Shona left. Jack P S said romance was coming for David and probably Shona was written in for him. However, that definitely wouldn't work. She's much too old and weary for David who needs a bit of a nutcase. That sounds like Maria but I hope those two do not get together.
David and Leanne can both be single for a while. Luke and Tracy are finished. Luke and Rosie is quite a nice idea but just for a fun relationship, nothing heavy. I can see Sean with a divorced man of around 50. It might make a good story for this man to regularly come into the Rovers and for a slow burn relationship to grow. I'd rather we didn't have an explosive story where Sean breaks up a heterosexual marriage. Sean's new beau should be a well-established businessman, slightly fusty, who loves spoiling him. Oh, and this man's children adore Sean.
I would like to see Rosie go back to school. Or become a make up artist or open her own little boutique. She could sell vintage clothes on ebay!
Shona and Steve would be great together.
Leanne needs to be single for awhile. Maybe meet a new bloke.
Tracy should give up on men, give a turn with the ladies and become sucessful with her business.
Oooh...what about Sean and the mayor? Isn't he the gentleman that came to Sally's party with his partner and their dog? Maybe something happens to the partner and the mayor (maybe council chair) starts hanging around at the Rovers!
I've kind of wanted Shona and David together, but now I think about this...she and Steve would be a much better match. Maybe she and David could come to an agreement of sorts, similar to the one he and Anna have.
I'm with Humpty on Luke and Rosie. He is a super nice guy, not much money but he is loyal and not a boring homebody. And he is SO DONE with Tracy. Plus we have the fun of him dating the boss' daughter, who, ditzy and trend loving as she may be, is also at her core a fun person.
I think, hope that part of the reason I'm going off on Robert is that he is with the ever annoying Michelle. He and Leanne had a great working relationship and a nice friendship. Hope she could come into some cash (Les dies and there's an insurance payout?) so she could buy into the bistro when Nick leaves. Then things could go where they will. If Michelle's face got rubbed into it, all the better.
The idea of Luke and Rosie together is a great one, hope to see it happen.
I liked Robert for a long while, then gradually started disliking him more and more. One of his only redeeming features right now is his friendship with Leanne. I hope they remain that way and if he does get a new love interest, that it's somebody new and not Michelle. Agree that David and Leanne should stay single for a while, it's good to give them a break.
Would like to see Craig start dating again!
I think Luke is absolutely lovely and could see him and Rosie together. I
absolutely hated when Rosie first returned but she is really growing on me now. She can be a very kind and caring girl and obviously is very devoted to
her family. I would love to see her find happiness and a good job on the street!
The real romantic couples for 'Coronation Street' in Summer 2017 & Fall 2017 to be area:
Roy & Cathy
Robert & new Weatherfield female resident #1
Luke & Rosie
Aidan & Eva
David & new Weatherfield female resident #2
Maria & new Weatherfield male resident #1
Steve & Shona
Michelle & new Weatherfield male resident #2
Tracy & new Weatherfield male resident #3
Freddie & Audrey
Leanne & new Weatherfield male resident #4
Johnny & Jenny
Kevin & Anna
Tim & Sally
Dev & Erica
Norris & Mary
Ken & new Weatherfield female resident #3
Kirk & Beth
Tyrone & Fiz
Fib & Faye
These could be come true this Summer & this Fall.
I don't want to see Shona with either Steve or David,it would be too weird seeing either of them paired with the mother of Kylie's murderer who may I add murdered Kylie a few feet away from the Rovers and the Platts.
I would rather see Shona go and David a widowed single father for a while.
I don't see nothing wrong with Steve being paired with Leanne,Liz likes her,they're already good friends and she's nicer to him than Michelle ever was.
As for Michelle,i don't think she and Robert will last as I think he's realisng she's using him to get control of the Bistro and revenge on Steve.
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