After months of speculation the truth is out!
In tonight's episodes we saw that, despite Adam being arrested for attempted murder, it was actually Daniel who carried out the attack.
Ken and the rest of the family are still in the dark - and in next week’s episodes viewers will see Ken helping Daniel redecorate his old house - unaware that he is alone with the person who tried to kill him.
Ken is convinced that grandson Adam is the one who pushed him down the stairs after realising Adam owns the red training shoes he saw on the night of the attack. Adam confessed to being in the house and finding Ken unconscious, but was insistent he was not responsible for what happened to his grandad.
When Adam was arrested Ken decided to go and stay with Daniel at his old lodgings to help redecorate for the landlord asking Daniel to bring along the poetry book he had bought him.
Viewers saw a nervous Daniel retrieve the book from under floorboards revealing that it was covered in blood. As he traced Ken’s inscription into a new copy of the book it dawned on fans that he had hit his dad over the head with the weighty tome before leaving him for dead.
In next week’s dramatic episodes an argument with Daniel leads Ken to remember the fight they had at the top of the stairs - and as the red mist descends on Daniel Ken is left fearing for his life.
Will Daniel finish off what he started or can Ken raise the alarm and escape?
Over 1.2million people voted in Coronation Street’s “Who Pushed Ken” online poll - and right up to Friday night’s episode Adam was the lead suspect with Daniel way down the polls behind Adam and Amy.
We'll have our interview with Rob Mallard, who plays Daniel Osbourne, up on the blog first thing tomorrow morning. I've just arrived home from Manchester and it's fair to say I'm a wee bit bushed!
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Not to gloat, but yes:) I believe I was one of the first here to predict it - based on the phrase 'golden opportunity.' I'm not pleased to be right. I hope Daniel stays on as a character in future. (dulyquoted)
No, I was one of those who thought it would be someone outside the prime suspects. I thought it would have to be someone who would be easy to write out. But now we know, it's not a huge shock. Daniel has shown several times what a vicious temper he's got.
What with this, Nick in the quicksand and Bethany, it's going to be quite a week!
Yes; see my comments from a few days ago, specifically referring to the book. And I too am sorry to be right, as I think he's a great character and actor.
I first thought it was a secondary character then I really did think it was Adam who was so intent on deflecting attention from himself.
I honestly thought it would be Phelan. Even when he found his alibi I thought it was rigged. But it makes perfect sense in hindsight that it was Daniel. Good job! Very satisfied with the twists and turns and how this has played out.
In another write-up by Tvor on this, I just stated I thought it Sinead. I've thought that from the start but it shows sometimes those at the forefront really do/can be the culprit. I stated it again just 5 minutes or so ago - because I've not watched Friday's episodes yet (they're recorded) ... oh well at least now we know. That's why I'd never make a good detective. :D
I think that premise is stupid.
If the writers don't get better, I will stop watching.
Adam was a better bet
I really had no idea it would be Daniel. I thought it was Seb and perhaps by a huge longshot a drunken Sinead. Though Daniel's temper was shown with Chesney, I thought that no matter how angry he got with his father it would just lead to a quarrel not assault.
I thought it was Phelan or an accidental fall, Daniel wasn't even on my radar. I wish he could stay, he's an interesting character played by a very good actor, but soap law. Maybe they'll twist it out for a bit as I can't see Ken turning in his own son.
Ooooh, and every time I hear Adam say he's Mike Baldwin's son, I want to smack him and any assembled Barlows while screaming 'You're Susan Barlow's son and she's the one who raised you.'
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