Coronation Street producer Kate Oates has teased some sizzling summer spoilers for Coronation Street. We've already blogged some of the major spoilers in separate posts about Pat Phelan and Billy and Todd.
And there's much more to come!
At the Corrie press day in Manchester yesterday, Kate Oates revealed more spoilers too, as follows.
Aidan / Maria / Eva
This summer we'll see Eva find out the truth about Aidan and Maria. "How she responds to that is very Eva the Diva," says Kate. "So there’s possibly a long plan of revenge."
Michelle / Robert
Remember Michelle's boyfriend, Will? The one she almost went to bed with? He's coming back. And there'll be someone from Robert's past returning too. (Let's just hope it's not his ex-wife Joanie). Will Michelle and Robert's relationship be strong enough to cope?
We know that Claire King is leaving Coronation Street. And Erica’s exit could be tied into her getting to grips with a certain Mr Webster as Kevin looks elsewhere for rumpy-pumpy when Anna continues to shy away from him.
BethanyKate Oates said that Bethany's storyline was all about brainwashing, and just because she's going to be pulled out of danger doesn’t mean that she’s going to be out of the woods.She said there's a little way to go with her story yet.

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Michelle and Robert's relationship? What relationship? Robert is being used as a rebound device to get back at Steve, Leanne and baby Oliver.Because God forbid a woman is on her own after splitting with a guy on this show. Robert's a sap. He should kick Michelle to the curb.Is anybody really going to care if she leaves him for Will?
Zagg,To answer your question,I hope Michelle leaves with Will for good!Steve gets the last laugh seeing Michelle hurt Robert with Will as she did with him.
I'm disappointed that Erica's exit storyline is yet another affair with Kevin.She deserves better than be ruined like that!
I found Michelle and Will's scenes together to be terribly wooden. I'm puzzled as to why they'd be bringing him back unless it's just a temporary thing.
If Will is brought in only for the ruination and departure of Michele, I'm all for it. If Steve can show she had an affair and get out of paying her a penny, even better.
The comment above about the two actors behind Will and Michelle acting woodenly together is interesting. If you look at the photo on this blog post, Kym's eyes betray her smile. She looks like she despises either the Will's character or the actor and that would certainly make for some awkward scenes together. I am in agreement with others who hope Will's return signals the departure of Michelle, although I'd rather see her go as an independent woman.
Oh come on - Michelle's going nowhere, however much we might desire it. They've just put her waxwork in Mme Tussaud's ;)
oh god, tell me this is a joke. i hate will so much, so smarmy and smug and irritating, i was so happy when he finally left! hopefully it won't be for long. i hated the character this actor played in waterloo road as well, a very similar, slippery type of person. perhaps he is just typecast now!
How can a character like Erica find Kevin attractive? He's so dopey looking and has no personality.
I love Will's voice. Very unusual.
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