We're waiting for Ken to catch up with what we know: that Daniel, not Adam, is the Corrie
Following Daniel around the flat whilst he does his DIY, Ken drops hints to the viewer that Daniel did away with his mum. Ken goes a-digging in the gardens and finds Denise's jewellery box whilst a stressed and pale with guilt Daniel cuts his hand on a Stanley knife, staring aghast at himself in the mirror. Daniel spells it out why he hates Ken, that by persuading Sinead to have an abortion he ruined Daniel's chances of having a normal family life, at which point Ken finally realises who attacked him. Daniel shoves Ken into a chair and refuses to let him leave the house to tell the police that (once again) they've got the wrong man locked up. "This ends here," Daniel tells his father.
Nick has an idea for a Bank Holiday outing - a McDonald/Barlow/Battersby/Tilsley trip to the seaside so that everyone can sort out their differences. Of course this turns into a football match and competitive dad syndrome, with Nick fouling Peter, and putting one past Stevie "who ate all the pies" Mac, whilst Simon storms off and Leanne tells Toyah she'll leave Nick if he doesn't grow up. Peter discovers that Nick could have given him an alibi for the attack on Ken all along, which does not please Ms Battersby-Tilsley-Barlow-Tilsley-Battersby at all.
Evil Nathan is setting up a party for perverts with Bethany and other vulnerable victims. He offers her valium, which she turns down so he drugs her voddy instead. Meanwhile, one of his escapees is having more chemistry with David (not the dog) as he asks a softer looking Shona to hair model for him. Craig offloads his worries about Bethany to her, revealing that it's THAT Nathan who Bethany is involved with. Shona hotfoots it around to the tanning salon to tell Nathan to stay away from Bethany.
Roy has broken a mirror, but instead of seven years bad luck, he has seen a rare bat and got a five star review in the Gazette. Brian is now unsure if all his superstitions are pointless, even his lucky underpants. He and Cathy agree to be just good friends (for now).
Three cliffhangers and a middle aged rom-com: I'm looking forward to the next four eps.
Apologies in advance - no review next week as I'm on my holidays.
Rachel Stevenson
Usually I link to my twitter or personal blog at the end of a review. Instead, here's a link to Martyn's Hett's website.

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1 comment:
Simon could give his dads a lesson in adulting. I like his new hair, btw.
Too many contrived scenes for me, between the beach they forgot to invite Amy to, an abandoned flat that needed some paint, and a conveniently overheard conversation. Do flats even have stairs and a garden? Today felt like a snoozy set up.
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