Corrie cast and crew were working out on location this week for the scenes which saw Nathan arrested.
Christopher Harper (Nathan) and Lucy Fallon (Bethany) were spotted filming a violent scuffle at a burger bar. Nathan was dragged away by two police officers - but will this really be the end of his abuse?
Lucy Fallon revealed this week that the grooming storyline will run until the autumn, so it's unlikely that Nathan's arrest will mean the end of him, sadly.
Digital Spy have the pictures here.
You might also like to read our Blogger Jordan's interview with Luicy Fallon about the grooming storyline. It's here!
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He looks normal...but is so creepy....what a good job this actor is doing. :-)
We seriously have to endure this story line until the fall? I'm going to be doing a lot of fast forwarding this summer. Watching Nathan sickens me I can't bear to watch him with Bethany.
I hate the storyline and Nathan gives me the shivers. He's so convincing in the rôle that I feel sorry for the actor having to play it! I'm impressed with the publicity work he does to raise awareness of grooming, and hope his next part is a more sympathetic character.
I understand that in real life this situation could go on for years but I wish they would wrap this up soon and get on with the aftermath.
Anyone who was going to get the point has gotten it and I don't see how this can go on for 3 or 4 more months without getting much darker and crossing the line of what's acceptable in a television show that anyone might watch.
I know what you mean Maricha. And I find it hard to think that Corrie is making awareness if they have one of the perverts be a cop that Bethany encounters when she seeks out help. It is like the Carla rape did that encourage people to come forward?
I can't understand why anyone thought having Neil be both a rapist/groomer and a cop was a good idea.
The point of doing this storyline is to warn people and get them to adopt the right behavior which is reporting this to the police. It's so rare that policemen are involved in these rings that it's irresponsible to imply they are and make people hesitant to report these crimes.
Unfortunately, NZ has real life experience with the Police being at the centre of grooming, rape and cover-ups
I'm not saying it's absolutely impossible but how realistic is it that the only grooming ring Coronation has ever featured would have a police officer in it? If the show wants to outline how it usually happens, 99,99% of the time the ring only has civilians members.
Unless I'm mistaken, even in the case you linked to there were three officers brought to trial out of how many thousands who served alongside them and the original assault happened thirty years earlier. That doesn't give the impression that officers are routinely in on this sort of crime.
Besides, even if one cop in Weatherfield was in on it, the odds of Bethany coming across him on her way to report a crime would be pretty low.So why make viewers wary of the police? That only helps groomers.
Yes, you're right Maricha. The allure of a dramatic storyline may well have trumped the desire to be socially responsible
I think this is valid....and if Corrie said it is just a story - fine....but when they act like they are doing a public service then it is hypocritical.
I think they are trying to show that groomers can come from all walks of life. I like how they are not being stereotypical with who are the groomers. Nathan looks respectable as does Neill. I really don't know why Bethany doesn't go to a different police station station, and maybe aid to speak to a woman officer
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