There's more trouble for Daniel coming next week in Coronation Street when he splits up with Sinead. He's not had a happy life since he returned to Weatherfield, has he?
This week's Inside Soap magazine reveals that the's heartbreak ahead for Daniel when Sinead dumps him. Since falling for Daniel, she's been caught up in more drama than she expected. Well, she wanted an exciting life, leaving poor old Chesney, didn't she? And look where it got her! She's only got herself to blame, I say.
She tells Daniel that being with him is doing her reputation no good, and she's concerned that she knows very little about his background too.
Is Daniel better off without her? I say yes, he is.
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Yes, I would say he is too. Totally incompatible in my view.
To paraphrase a saying that used to be popular in this kind of situation, "Go to bed together in haste, regret at your leisure".
Daniel should run as fast as he can from Sinead.
I would call this a lucky escape for both parties. :-)
Daniel has bigger worries than losing a girlfriend. Fine with this as long as she leaves Chesney alone.
If he survives that assault he's predicted to have, Chesney's character may finally be revamped but not if he has a recycled script with him in the hospital bed instead of Sinead this time around.
Aaah Poor Chesney. Can't they give him a nice storyline for a change? One that doesn't involve Sinead either.
Daniel? Just lose him.
Daniel is well rid. He has enough on his plate without Sinead's drama. Nothing against the actress but I can see her leaving the show, and I would not miss her at all.
I was curious to see what sort of couple Sinead and Daniel would turn out to be, but so far I'm not enjoying it much. It would have been nice to see them have some lighter storylines before being launched into pregnancy and whodunnit ones right away before we had a chance to get to know them as a couple.
There was nothing about their relationship that was fun to watch. This happens when they writers stick people together too Michelle and Robert. It sure does seem that they have no clue when it comes to pairing couples. What we've seen lately is so off the wall and quick, it's laughable.
Sinead and Chesney both need to go, either together or separately. How about a blog: Worst Matched Couples?
On the other hand, I don't think Sinead needs all the drama in Daniel's life. HE's got an awful lot of baggage and what seems to clearly be a mental health issue to be seen to as well. If they'd been together a long time, then she would surely stand by her man but as she seems to be saying, she really doesn't know him at all and I imagine all this has scared her off.
What went so wrong with Sinead? I really feel like they set her up to be a likeable character. She endured Chesney, was a faithful girlfriend, then understandably turned to a more passionate partner. The pregnancy was ill-timed, but Ken's response definitely demeaned her. She went along with what she thought was best for Daniel, yet we're piling on her - why?
She wasn't exactly a faithful girlfriend. She tried to kiss Aiden, and she waited until she knew things were sure with Daniel before calling it off with Chesney. She's the type of person who knows she wants to end a relationship, but waits until she's knows the other relationship is a go before ending the first one. Not what I would have expected of her when she first showed up, and a disappointing turn for her character. I think we're getting so negative about the character because there was the potential for her to be so much more interesting than what she's become.
I don't think we're piling on Sinead, just accepting that the break-ups of her relationships are no great loss.
She didn't, as you put it, endure Chesney. She latched on to him on a whim- much like she just did with Daniel. One minute they don't know her, the next they can't turn around without bumping into her.
When she deemed Chesney too boring she cheated on him with Daniel and now she deems Daniel too much drama. OK, then but maybe she should focus on her own life for the next little while.
Well said. This isn't at all what I thought Sinead would be, she seemed a lot nicer and more independant in the beginning.
I think that Sinead should run as fast as she can from Daniel!!!.. too many emotional issues in my view ����
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