Next week’s storyline for Shona in Coronation Street doesn’t bode well as she gets beaten up and left for dead.
It starts when Craig lets slip to Shona that he doesn’t trust Bethany’s boyfriend, Nathan.
When Shona hears this, she rushes out of the hair salon where she’s acting as a hair model for David. She storms into the tanning salon and orders Nathan to stay away from Bethany – but she pushes him a little too far.
Nathan warns Shona that she “owes him big time”. He then goes to grab her but Shona manages to run away and calls the cops. But when she rings the police, her phone is knocked from her hand and two men throw her to the ground, leaving her unconscious. Is Nathan behind all of this?

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Best thing is that we get to see Craigy in an interesting storyline. I really like this young actor. Don't let this one slip through your fingers Corrie. :-)
But how stupid is "Craigy" going to feel when he finds out his Sarge is one of Bethany's rapists....
Why would he feel stupid? He was paired with the man who was spoken well of by others who should have known better. No fault on Craig's part. :-)
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