How has Abi found fitting in on the street?
Abi hasn’t emotionally attached herself to anything on the street yet because she can’t believe her luck but the more she connects with people like Tracy and Steve, the more she has started to put down roots and so she starts to believe that maybe she could live here.
Does Abi see Tracy as a friend?
There’s a definite spark between them both, Abi recognises a kindred spirit and Tracy actually takes Abi seriously whereas no one else does. Tracy has been open and acknowledges her as a friend and Abi has never had that so it’s quite nice for her.
How does Abi feel when she overhears Beth and Steve’s exchange?
Abi is riding on such a high having been asked to head Tracy’s hen party but equally, just like anyone with a fragile ego, it can come crashing down, and to hear Steve and Beth talking about her, her kids and her being a mum is a real kick in the stomach. Her being a mum is her massive sore point because she knows better than anyone that she has let those kids down.
Abi then aims to get revenge in quite a unique way, why does she decide to do that?
She is angry with Steve but that’s because she is hurt. The opportunity comes up when they are talking about the hen do and she realises that it would be great to embarrass Steve and make him do a dance in front of everyone. She understands Steve so she knows he would really dislike and be bothered by that but that he would have to go through with it so that’s why that little plan comes in to her head.
This is more a mischievous act of revenge than a malicious one, isn’t it?
She has a wicked sense of humour but there is no real harm in her. She has just had to build up these barriers over the years through making mistakes and making bad choices but she is a good person.
Tell us what happens during the home visit
Abi tries so hard to make the home visit perfect for the little ones because it is their birthdays so she tries to bake a cake and she wants to pick up a parcel from the post office but she can’t get there because she is working. Ultimately she ends up letting the twins down because she just unravels. She doesn’t trust herself so she desperately wants to get it right that it all comes crashing down around her ears. She feels like she has hit rock bottom.
Do you think she would be a good mum if she got the twins back?
If she had the right support and was surrounded by people who have her best interests at heart and was allowed to slowly build up a relationship I think she would be a superb mother, yes.
What happens when Steve finds her at the tram station?
Steve finds her and she is not interested in anything he has to say. She is not angry anymore but she is just so heartbroken and he recognises that because he has lost a child, he lost his baby with Michelle. This is really something that clicks with Abi and she sees him properly for the first time. There is an instant bond there after that, he makes her feel like a human being who has just messed up a little bit and she reaches forward and kisses him. He doesn’t expect it but I don’t think he altogether hates it either…
What is going through Abi’s mind when she kisses Steve?
She just feels like she is understood. She feels like she has made a real connection with someone and it’s one of those instant, weird things that happens to people now and again. Maybe it wouldn’t have happened if she wasn’t so fragile and had a drink but she lets her emotions take over, she thinks, ‘Maybe there is something more to Steve than meets the eye…’
Does she feel guilty towards Tracy?
She feels horrendously guilty because she likes Tracy and she is a good person and she is not one to do another woman over either, that’s not her bag. If she’s got it in for anyone it’s men, not women. She does appreciate that friendship so she feels dreadful.
What do you think makes Steve and Abi’s friendship work?
It’s a similar energy; they both have pasts, they both actually are interested in life and what people have to say. They have a similar sense of humour and similar personalities so that will either work brilliantly or there will be fireworks.
What’s it like working with Simon Gregson and Kate Ford?
It’s a dream team, I could pinch myself. Simon Gregson is the most generous actor and so funny and so supportive, so is Kate. They are both gorgeous people and I could not be happier. It’s the best job in the world.
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