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I am not always a fan of old characters coming back to soaps. As often, nostalgia takes over and other characters spend so much time filling the comeback kid, on what they missed, they soon end up surplus to requirements.
But, last night the writers struck gold. When the wonderful Anne Kirkbride died two years ago, she left a huge gap and remains much missed. The writers, though have played a blinder, as there is now a full dysfunctional family for Ken to argue with.
The revelation that scholar and Ken's fave; lookalikey Daniel was the one who pushed dad was brilliant enough. And now? Bad mum, Denise is back!
This is great for a number of reasons so let's have a look why:
1) Daniel is complex and this will help fill in the gaps. He has been abandoned, tell us more.
2) Ken is best when he is in a scene with an ex, as a bit like Little Mix, he always has a shout-out to them.
3) Denise Black is wonderful. She has been on stage in the likes of Sister Act and Yerma and is an excellent actress. Her scenes with Rob Mallard will be electric.
4) If she sticks around, she could go back to her roots and cut hair again. Watch out Audrey!
5) The Barlows are in conflict as it is, Tracy is still grieving her mum's sudden death, so she will not be pleased at Denise's return.
I am jumping the gun here, because Denise Black is an accomplished theatre actress, so her character might only witness her son, Daniel's half baked attempts at decorating and then disappear to tread the boards.
But, even so - her return and the effect it has, is an excellent story arc which has a clear purpose. So, well done Corrie, this one is a cut above, pardon the hairdressing pun!
By Glenn Meads who is on Twitter and LinkedIn
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That was a wonderful post Glenn. I'm glad Denise is back because no matter what it makes Daniel more sympathetic than when we had to speculate on whether he killed her or she disappeared on her own. That was a dark cloud for the character to live under.
I respect your right to be very enthused by her appearance - but I hope she does not stay. I find it hard to get past that she has neglected her son who is obviously bright and caring for so long as to put him in this state. She is obviously a selfish person and I cannot see how she can add anything to the Barlow family only misery.
I don't expect she'll stay for very long, but we'll have closure and an explanation even if it isn't really a very good one from Daniel's point of view.
Enjoyed your post, Glenn. It all makes sense, and I too will enjoy her interaction with Ken. Poor Tracey won't like this one bit. Even though Denise may not stay long, this is one return I will enjoy while it lasts.
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