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The three gay dads are celebrating Summer's 18th birthday, but it all ends in tears, because of course this is Summer we're taking about. Billy gives her a letter from Drew, her original dad. Then Summer finds out that Billy has organised a glucose monitor (with Aaron's help) and strops off like Leanne. She then rows with Aaron and they split up for the 45th time. They then make up for the 46th time after Summer reads her letter. I just wish they'd go off to Chester.
Do Bernie and Fern really look alike? Same height, similar age, blonde hair, but it's not like they're doppelgangers. To be honest, I didn't watch Brookside (apart from the Beth Jordache storyline) so Patricia Farnham doesn't mean much to me; I remember Gabrielle Glaister more as Kate from Blackadder. Anyhoo, Fern returns the uniforms to Bern and suggests she could do a speed awareness course on her behalf for £200 payment.
The fiancés are canoodling on Dev's sofa and agree they will tell their families tonight at the Bistro. I'm more invested than I like to admit in Kaadi (certainly more than in Summer and Misery-Loves-Company) - Kelly deserves a bit of fun and Aadi is a nice young man without being a sap like Craig or dreary like Chesney. Thingy from the Gazette says that because Kaadi are under 18, then they'll need to get written permission from their parents, which is a bit difficult since a) nobody knows and b) when they do know, they're not very happy about it. Asha lets slip that it was Kelly who crashed the car and Dev goes off on one, calling Kelly a liability. He then has a go at Gary, accusing him of wanting to palm off the problem child. He grabs Aadi who falls and hurts his face, leading him to storm out as well. Dev goes round to the rose-gold flat and asks Aadi to come home, but he refuses, saying he's moved in with Kel. Kelly then suggests they get married in Gretna Green. I'm getting a Nick 'n' Leanne vibe here - let's hope Kelly doesn't get pregnant and Aadi forces her to have an abortion, right.
Oh and Dylan is staying in Weatherfield. And from what I've read, Violet'll be up soon.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter