As always with tabloid spoilers, take everything they say with a pinch of salt until confirmed or denied by ITV.
There's a story in today's Sun what says Chesney Brown will be stabbed - and could possibly die
The source? Our favurite, of course! It's Mr Curry Sauce who tells the Sun: “A gang of thugs try to rob the Bistro. They smash up the place and then Chesney gets in the way.
"One stabs him in the neck with a broken bottle. Michelle is seen screaming while Daniel and Adam rush to Chesney’s side, trying to keep him awake. But he is slipping in and out of consciousness.
And the big cliff-hanger will be whether he survives the attack or not. He wouldn’t be the first soap star to make a miraculous recovery. But things aren’t looking too good for him.”
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Adam and Daniel? Together? Daniel out on bail? It will be a fast developing story in what? 6 weeks?
Poor Chesney can't catch a break these days. He gets stabbed in a restaurant where he never goes while those who hang around the Bistro even when not working there don't get a scratch on them.
Far more likely he'd be assaulted by drunks in the kebab shop. Still, probably the most interesting thing he's done in years. And if he does survive, he'll have Daniel to thank ... so no more animosity. Unless Sinead goes back to him ...
Well, we know Daniel isn't going down for the assault, as the Barlows rally round to hush it up and send him to anger management therapy. Ken's own guilt clearly outweighs his desire for justice.
It didn't actually say he was in the bistro. It says "then Chesney gets in the way." He could've just been passing as they robbers were making their escape. Wrong place, wrong time, maybe?
When you look at a map of Coronation Street and realize Chesney lives and works near the opposite end of it, that he'd be near enough the Bistro to be in the path of a getaway instead of Robert, Daniel, Michelle and Sinead who are always there or even Dev who has a shop steps away is really bad luck for Chesney. I agree with you that this truly is a case of wrong place, wrong time if he wasn't even in the Bistro.
Not sure which I'd be more disappointed in--them killing him off instead of writing better stuff for the character, or rehashing a stabbing storyline!
I think it would be killing him off instead of giving him a better storyline considering that they'll soon have more air time to fill. The show really has no more excuse for not using the characters it has left on the back burner for so long.
Better they should have another stabbing than another head bashing after Charlie Stubbs,Phelan,Tina,Andy (Callum?) and Ken all got assaulted the same way.
He needs a storyline.just saying.
Kylie has been dead only a year and now Chesney is going to be possibly stabbed and killed off in the Street too?
It's not Coronation Street anymore but 'Kill Street'.
I bet despite Fiz's worry and grief that somehow,it will be all about Michelle!
Does everyone have to be Killed off? Can't they just head off to a new place?
I hope this isn't true. If they want to get rid of the character, just send him to Portugal to be close to his son. No need for another violent attack, it's getting gratuitous.
Lets see Chesney get a proper storyline instead of being used for sensalationism. How about he decides to take a night class and meets an older woman. Or it's Daniel who stabs him. Or maybe Katy and Joeseph move back.
Tina. Maxine. Tony Gordon. Charlotte. Liam. Kylie. Do we really need another murder?
Sam Aston is a good actor but Chesney is a hugely boring character and no amount of talent can spice up flannel shirts and a night of telly. He was a good student who should have been allowed to finish school and move upwards in life. I know, we don't do that on Corrie, but at least when he owned had a market stall, there could have been interesting stories from there. Running someone else's shop, zzzzzzz, and he brought the once vivacious Sinead down with him. He never should have hooked up with Katy, never should have had now pointless Joseph. He is in his early twenties, loser isn't set in stone yet, there should be a way to rehabilitate him career wise and then let the rest fall into place. Or let Katy die, make him a single dad and have a career fall into place around his family. And get a dog. He's better with a dog.
Maybe Cilla dies and she leaves him some money that he buys the kebab shop with. Or he goes on a game show and wins. Anything to give him a storyline.
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