Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Monday 21 October 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 21st October


It's the big day. After being on-off-on-off-on-off-on since 1997, back when they looked like this:

his love life they're finally off. For good this time? They quibble over crockpots and teatowels but they're getting on better than they have for months. Sam is upset, but really, you can't stay together for the sake of a chess nerd. Also it makes sense for Leanne to move out as she can't keep splitting up with men and keeping their kids.


Bethany is out of hospital and not dealing well with her stoma. As Corrie writers have a tendency to forget the characters' illnesses or conditions, I will be looking out for sweetcorn on Bethany's plate during future Platt meals at the bistro. She returns to Redbank and whist Sarah pops out for potatoes, the scally, who knocked into Sarah and then stole her keys, breaks into the flat whist Damon furiously tries to phone his ex to warn her that Harvey's goons are after the loot. Sarah gets an anonymous phone call telling her she has to return the money....or else. The final scene shows us David looking through a holdall containing a lot of cash. I'm quite into the idea of David returning to his bad boy roots; it's been a minute.


Lauren beings some flowers to Deedee to thank her for letting her move in. Given that Lauren has a tendency to bite the hand that feeds plus she probably would want Max to sleep over and babies tend to cry - a lot - Deedee has changed her mind by the end of the ep. Plus there's the did-she-didn't-she kill Joel issue. Ms Bailey finds a note from Joel written before they split up and she breaks down, which is unfortunate as the social worker is waiting back at the flat for her.

Bobby goes around to number 8 to have it out with Lauren and Max (Mauren? Lax?) whom he feels are ignoring him and they tell him they slept together. Using contraception this time, I hope.

Chesney is instructed he will have to clean the kebab shop in his own time and before Friday. Given there's no Tuesday or Thursday in Weatherfield, poor old Ches only has 2 days to do it. Isn't it actually extra pressure on Gemma if he's at work all hours and she's the only one looking after 5 children?

Gemma is back at the coalface too but gets upset when David does a passable impression of Paul and then Debbie wants to talk about her dad dying and she rushes out. Kit, who has no crims to catch today, offers her the use of his friend's cottage but she has to take the kids with her. Is she going to be the only person in history to come back from the Lake District in October with a tan?

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Monday 21 October 2024

Monday 21st October 2024

    Sarah collects Bethany from hospital and rejects a call from an unknown number as Bethany breaks down in tears. In the prison a frustrated Damon is clearly trying to get through to her. Sarah settles Bethany at the flat before heading out to do some food shopping. Bethany hears the door open but is shocked to see it’s not her mum but an intruder in a balaclava. Can she hide in time? 

    Lauren gives Dee-Dee flowers as thanks for offering her and Frankie a home. Michael praises Dee-Dee for letting them move in. Lauren’s social worker calls at Dee-Dee’s flat for a chat  But when Dee-Dee starts to make tea and finds an old love note from Joel in the cupboard, she’s upset and dashes out. Can she cope with Lauren moving in?

    Bobby visits No.8 to ask why Max is avoiding him and finds Lauren there too.  When they insist they aren’t ghosting him, Bobby demands to know what they are hiding.  

    As Leanne and Nick divide up their belongings, Sam struggles to hide his upset. Remembering Oliver, Leanne gets emotional about leaving the flat. Nick apologises for how things have ended between them. Dev orders Chesney to complete a deep-clean of the kebab shop by Friday. Gemma returns to work at the Rovers but struggles to cop  Kit tells her she came back to work too soon, and offers her the use of a friend’s cottage in the Lake District. 

    In the salon, Audrey and David discuss Gail and reckon she’s a fool to trust Jesse.

Glenda Young
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Sunday 20 October 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 18 October 2024

Good evening.  It is Ronnie's birthday and it would appear he has some thing to hide other than his age (55 today).  Kit wants a chat with Ronnie and to prevent their blood sugar dropping too low it takes place in Roy's Rolls.  And what was he doing the night Joel disappeared?  Ronnie does not have an alibi - he was in the flat alone as Debbie was out all night.  Kit goes and Ed advises Ronnie that his story was that he was at home all night with Michael and Dee Dee who were asleep in the house.  The children apparently confirm that story to Kit as part of their own alibis.  Once Kit has gone Dee Dee admits she is not sleeping well at present.  Debbie needs a lift to the cake shop and wants to know why Ronnie has been to 47 Noble Street - which Dee Dee recognises as Joel's flat.  Ronnie takes the advert break to remember that he went there when helping Joel to move into Dee Dee's - and it is ancient because he does not use the satnav much preferring his phone.  The "surprise" party takes place in the Bistro.  Michael reveals that they used his car to move Joel's stuff and not Ronnie's.  Debbie wants a proper answer from Ronnie.  She gets the answer - and in two (very dark) flashbacks so do we.  Ronnie, carrying a crowbar (from the lockup), breaks into Joel's flat which they search but he is not there and realising how close they are to being very stupid they return home with their tails between their legs.  No harm done.  Alibis almost intact.  Dee Dee however stills seems somewhat distracted and rushes off home claiming a headache.

Nick has really outstayed his welcome Number 8 this morning.  However he is worrying about Sam this morning as it is the anniversary of Natasha's death.  Jesse arrives through the front door having returned from Whitby and Gail stayed overnight at his as the atmosphere at number 8 is unwelcome.  Jesse wants to calm the troubled waters - but David remains upset and hostile that Gail did not give him a chance to raise the money whilst she was cavorting at the coast (in this weather?).  Jesse buys Nick, David and Sarah-Lou lunch.  All are suspicious of his motives and he admits he has some money coming from the sale of the house owned by him and his ex.  Leanne (sporting an excellent tan) has a solution to Nick's problem.  Craig is going to move in with Kirk who is feeling lonely on his own and she is going to move into the salon flat so Nick can move back into his flat with Sam.  She tells Toyah to move out and find somewhere else - she cannot face sharing with her sister and wants to live on her own for now.  After time to think it over Toyah accepts it.  

After several scenes of angst and upset and misunderstanding, some passive-aggression behaviour and the usual Corrie carry on Gemma agrees to contemplate working a few shifts next week in t'Rovers and then ending her bereavement leave if all goes well.

Max seems obsessed with his mobile phone whilst Bobby talks to him.  Max does not have the faintest idea what Bobby is saying - and although he says it is Maria having a meltdown at work I do not believe him.  Bobby wonders if he has a chance with Lauren - but Max is completely elsewhere mentally.  Bobby reckons he is stuck in the friend zone.  In the Rovers Nick asks how Lauren coped with the sofa the night she used it (that Joel vanished).  She claims to have slept like a log and has no idea about the spring about which Nick complains at length.  Later when Sarah pops in to Number 8 to find Gail Max is still totally engrossed in his phone - something is going on.  

Sarah gets the crazy (is it?) notion that Jesse had it off with Damon's cash and starts following him.  Logan Radcliffe "bumps" into her and helps her recover the contents of her bag.  Sarah has just seen Jesse hugging a woman whom it transpires is the ex with the house being sold.  However the ex, Jayne Chadwick, thinks Sarah is related to Eileen and therefore has to be told about Gail.  Jayne is not impressed with how fast Jesse has moved on - but tells Sarah that it was her cheating whilst Jesse was "inside" which led to the divorce.  However he convincingly denies all knowledge of Damon's missing money which continues to worry Sarah - she should be more worried about Logan who has her keys.    

We cut to a distraught Dee Dee when Ed arrives to check on her.  She cannot tell her flashback story - but she was not asleep either that night as she found Joel in his car; likewise she was armed with a crowbar.  However we only see Joel sitting in his car and no blow is struck.  To Ed she admits she knew what they had done as she had heard them arguing in the yard when they returned.  

Leanne is packing to move and nicks Nick's air-fryer.  Apparently she has spoken to Les recently who might have over-imbibed whilst attending a wrestling match!  Since then radio silence.  Sam tells Nick that this time next we will all be millionaires, oh no sorry wrong programme, he will be celebrating two anniversaries of losing his mothers on consecutive days.  

We know someone killed Joel that night and in what looks like a pretty incriminating flashback we see Dee Dee at her kitchen sink washing blood off of a crowbar.  Roll credits.

Can we assume that Logan might be linked to Harvey / Damon?  I have a feeling that the Radcliffe brothers were living in the same drug addled estate controlled by Sharon and family. - so I suspect it will all add up eventually.  How is it that so many people wander around Weatherfield with crowbars - I am not sure they are that common to be in everyone's house or did Dee Dee find the one Ronnie used as she went out?  But did she actually do it or not?  No doubt this will run and run.

Written by Owen Lloyd-Fox.  Directed by Joshua Reeves.


Saturday 19 October 2024

Conversation Street Podcast Episode #650

Today's podcast covers what went on in Corrie between the 14th and the 18th October 2024 (Episodes #11,387 - 11,391)

It's another extra-long show this week, but not because of another lengthy Michael rant about the scheduling - nope, this time it's because we've got a murder mystery on our hands (and unlike the Lauren one back in the Spring, this time somebody's actually been murdered!). Yep, Joel turned up dead in a sack on Monday's visit to Weatherfield, and there are plenty of characters with the motive and the opportunity to have done him in. Did Mason do it as payback for Joel's treatment of Betsy? Did God-fearing Dee-Dee go Old Testament on his arse? Or maybe it's just what at this point seems to be the most obvious suspect, DC Kit Green. There are still plenty of clues still to be revealed in flashbacks, but we try to piece together all the evidence so far. Joel's not the only character we had to wave bye-bye to this week either, as Stu hangs up his whites and heads of for a new life in Germany - and not even Yasmeen seems that bothered by it! We've also got more drama at the Platts (with no sign of Gail!), a trip to A&E for Sam, and yet another 'the Winter-Browns are poor' story. It wasn't all gold, but on the whole, we thought it was a pretty decent week!

Up next on the podcast, we take a look at why Shelley King and Julie Hesmondhalgh are teaming up for a good cause, and finish off the show with some of your thoughts on the early ITVX uploads in The Kabin.

Street Talk - 00:24:34
The Kabin - 03:17:40
Feedback - 03:24:22

Back when we first profiled Beth in Episode #122 of the podcast, she'd only been a regular on the cobbles a few years. Fast forward a decade and the stylish stitcher has sewn her last gusset at Underworld, moving onto pastures new in Norfolk. This week, we take a look back at what she's been up to in the last ten years, reliving our favourite Beth moments and pondering whether she lived up to the expectations we had of her back in her first profile!

You can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, stream all our old episodes on our own site here, or click the play buttons above to give it a listen from the comfort of this very blog! 


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