It's been a while now since we've seen Liz and Erica in each other's company and yet aren't they supposed to be great friends? Didn't they work together in Spain, confide in each other and develop a deep affection for each other? While accepting that Weatherfield is not Spain, friendships are surely not dependent on a daily sunshine quota.
Heaven knows that Liz has had her fair share of difficulties, so wouldn't it have made sense for Liz and Erica to get together and for Liz to welcome a sympathetic ear from her old friend? In fact, who are Liz's friends lately? Of course, if much-missed Deirdre had still been with us, I'm confident Liz would have confided in her; but given that, so sadly, she is not, wouldn't Erica have been hotfooting it to Liz's back room?
Erica's storylines on the cobbles seem to have been only half-developed, Her miscarriage seemed to be easily and swiftly confined to the archives. That she was so helpful to Mary seems to have gone the same way - but it would have been great if Mary and Erica's friendship were to become mutually beneficial. Erica could have helped Mary's confidence and modernised her 'look' a little, and in return Erica could have learnt more about how to deal with Dev's children, who are angels for Mary, but not so well-behaved with Erica.
Concerning the relationship with Dev, well, I had to quiz myself as to whether or not this was still ongoing. I believe it is, but I'm struggling to remember the last time they were seen together.
Just three years ago, I interviewed Claire King at Media City and was struck by her efforts to answer questions as fully and as honestly as she could. I remember she spoke warmly of her parents and her worries concerning them as they entered old age. Claire was also absolutely delighted to have answered the call to audition for Corrie and to gain a part. How sad then, that at least for now, she will no longer be around. Of course, the crumb of comfort we have is that the door has not been closed on her and she could return.
For her future, I wish Claire King all the very best and repeat that not for one second do I blame her for leaving. She is a great actress and needs to be honing her craft more regularly than she now is.
Ruth Owen, twitter: @Ruth1722
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It's amazing Claire King has stayed this long. So typical that the most screen time she'll ever have will be in her exit story. Now we know why Erica is going to have a fling with Kevin. Frustrated with Dev, she'll wander into Kev's arms, feel terrible and realise that she has no future in Weatherfield. For a Corrie character to work, they have to be glued to someone or somewhere significant and Erica was neither. Good luck to the actress.
It's an opportunity missed, not having her interact with Liz more. So annoying when they waste what could be a good character. Dennis comes to mind too, I expect there were others that this applies to as well.
Whatever have you been thinking, story editors? This character, played by a fine actress, had so much potential - - which is now lost, just as we lost the delightful Steph (Tisha Merry). Please, wonderful BlogSpot bloggers, could you apply for jobs writing for Corrie? Our favourite program clearly needs help, and you clearly "get it".
I still don't understand how Erica has been so badly mishandled. You've got Claire King who's a fabulous soap actor and can play vixen, bitch with a heart, whatever and.... nothing? Really? Another really obvious opportunity lost.
Erica was a crap character played by a brilliant actress with many talents wasted. I think if this is Kate Oates choice and forced her to leave it's the right choice to make as the character is lost in a black hole. I personally blame Stuart Blackburn for all these stupid , abismal choices casting characters and not knowing what the hell to do with them - take Alya for example lost and boring , no character direction whatever.
Sorry to say this, Allison, but you have be either a victim or a perpetrators on this show. We all know you can play wicked with the best of them but that field is crowded at the moment, and we're afraid the public will not believe you as a vulnerable victim. But we will give you a good reference and best of luck for the future.
I hope this doesn't mean we will have yet another new character on the scene that won't be used much, then cast aside like they have done with so many lately. Way too many missed opportunities with some good actors/actresses. I guess once she was done with Nick and no longer part of the Platt family drama, her days were numbered. It is starting to feel less and less like a community based show.
The whole crux of the matter is that the cast is JUST TOO HUGE - too many characters, not enough time to give them all a decent storyline.
Missed opportunity with this character. They put her with Nick - wrong. They put her with Dev - wrong. She came in as Liz' friend. Did they stop being friends? I loved her with Mary, they were polar opposites but were so endearing together. She should have inherited money from her mother and bought the pub jointly with Liz, they would have been a great team.
Fed up of the same characters all the time.
I agree with everyone and this post; great actress and a potentially wonderful character and addition to the street, what an opportunity wasted. Erica is feisty, clever, independent, wise and kind. She should have been paired up with Liz more. We should have seen more of her with Dev and her relationship with his children.
Nothing to add - agree with so much of what's been said. A real waste.
Great comments everyone. I'm particularly grieved because in the Autumn, Corrie is going to 6 episodes a week, so a large cast is essential.
Surely it would not be beyond the talents of the writers to engage Erica in a cracking storyline?! I do hope she comes back before too long...
I agree with the comments. She's a great actress and was severely underused. I hope that with the additional shows they're be writing worthy enough to lure her back.
Gosh, this is sad news! From the comments here, we all love Claire King and want her character to be on the show. I wonder if her leaving is part of the horrible older actress syndrome so prevalent in Hollywood, where there are fewer roles for them than for older men? I also wonder if this younger show-runner understands the richness that comes with having older actors, male and female?
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