Well, quicksand will do that to you, I guess!
First he talks about his decision to leave Coronation Street and says he wants to spend more time with his family: "The decision to go is based on wanting to spend more time with my family. I live a couple of hundred miles away from Manchester and I was away most weeks and have been for many years now, so it was time. Of course, I agonised over it as I’ve had the best time of my career here. I’ve had the best storylines and worked with the best family, so it was tough to decide to leave all that behind."
He says his story highlights over the years have been "my first Christmas at the Platts, getting to work with Jane Danson, opening the Joinery which became the Bistro, then the live episode."
And on his departure storyline and the quicksand, Ben admits: "I was a bit surprised and wanted to know how it tied into everything that has been happening to Nick. But it does tie in brilliantly. Psychologically, Nick is losing his perspective over the whole situation with Steve and Oli. It all boils down to him wanting his own child and now he finds himself having to deal with two fathers to two sons that he is helping to bring up. He isn't happy with that situation and can't deal with it."
But is he planning to try and kill himself? "No, not at all," Ben says. "He’s just stormed off onto a very dangerous part of the beach without realising.
And asked if he was taking anything with him when he goes, he says: "I’d like Nick’s Crombie coat if they will let me - that is the only thing I want to take."
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But is he planning to try and kill himself? "No, not at all," Ben says. "He’s just stormed off onto a very dangerous part of the beach without realising.
And asked if he was taking anything with him when he goes, he says: "I’d like Nick’s Crombie coat if they will let me - that is the only thing I want to take."
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Interesting interview. Thank you for sharing it FN.
So is it a given that Nick will die in the quicksand?
I think Ben P is a fine actor and will do well. Crap storylines sent his character into the quicksand in more ways than one..IMO.
What a way to go...too bad they're killing him off instead of leaving the door open for a later return.
Gail is going to be devastated!
Are they actually killing Nick off? Might be that Nick survives but feels nobody - apart from Mummy - would miss him if he hadn't.
I hope they use your scenario, Humpty. It's hard to lose lynchpin characters, esp. when they're so young. Don't like his insane jealousy but that's balanced by his strong relationship with David. This family needs its big brother even if he has to change his face again.
As much as I dislike Nick, I would hate to see him killed off. Gail has had enough tragedy for l0 lifetimes she does not need to lose her son. Just let him ride off into the sunset.
Jeanie (anon): The article doesn't say the quicksand kills him. Just Price saying he would never have guessed where the story would take him and then a reference to the quicksand. I really doubt they would kill a central character like Nick who has so many ties to the street and could come back so easily. And if they did kill him it would be in a way to generate huge aftermath storylines (like Kylie's or Tina's murder), not an ignominious drowning in quicksand, watched by Steve and Peter. Love the actor and the character! Particularly his relationship with Gayle and David--the scenes these three generate, especially David and Nick are hilarious--and they truly seem like an authentic family--Price has the superior but uptight older brother, oldest son role nailed down perfectly.
I think if they kill Nick off in this way it will not be with a view to generate stories...although the Platt family reaction will be phenomenal especially Gail. But I think this new producer is making her mark...I cannot think of another soap killing off a character in this way.
Also...I don't get it...in 7 years...why did he not move his family to live with him. Did he think this was only going to be temporary I wonder?
I have no spoiler knowledge but based on how the papparazzi chase around the production team, and that we haven't seen any shots of any funerals lately, I'm guessing that they haven't killed Nick off. I think we'd have seen something even if it wasn't obvious who the funeral was for.
Maybe Hus wife has a career that's best pursued in London.
I think I would prefer t see Nick killed off rather than fake his death to see who would miss him,that would be cruel to his family and to Leanne and would destroy him as a character.
I don't see why a member of the Platt family should not be killed off.I think it would be dramatic to see a main character killed off and realisti.
Besides I think Nick as a character has run his course as his storylines seem to consist of his on\off relationship with Leanne and running to mummy when things don't go his way.
I meant to write his wife.
(Does anyone else's autocorrect always try to change his to Hus? I thought it was supposed to at least change to real words, what is Hus?)
Maricha I have heard of people messing with another person's autocorrect....but I think it would be more diabolical than hus. lol
I should hope so :-)
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