THE TRUTH BECOMES CLEARER FOR KEN Back at home Sinead reveals to Daniel how Ken talked her into having an abortion. The police then question Daniel again about his movements on the night of Ken’s attack, as they’ve found discrepancies with the tram ticket he provided as part of his alibi. Ken calls at the flat and apologises to Sinead for all that he’s put her through. As he makes to leave, Ken’s horrified to recognise a pair of trainers. Back at home Ken tells Roy that he remembers seeing the trainers when he was pushed, meaning the owner must be his attacker. Who do the shoes belong to?
SALLY’S TROLL IS UNMASKED Unable to live with the guilt any longer, Gina confesses to Sally that she was her internet troll. In tears Gina blames her medication and assures Sally she has no knowledge of the terrible things she’s done, Sally’s stunned. Hearing the news Tim’s furious and goes to confront Gina but when he arrives at No.4 it appears all may not be as it seems?
PETER AND TOYAH CELEBRATE When Peter reveals the money has come through from the shop and they can buy the Rovers, Toyah’s thrilled.

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Personally, I'm tired of hearing that Sinead thinks Ken talked her into an abortion.She barely knows him and has certainly demonstrated having her own backbone throughout this whole Daniel/Chesney scenario. On an issue that is sooooo important, we're to believe that one conversation with Ken Barlow is going to dictate the course of her life?
Nah....not buying it.
Agree. Even if she did listen to Ken it would only be because what he was saying reflected her own doubt's about what this pregnancy would do to their relationship.
Did anyone else go back to the March 28 episode? Daniel was wearing black runners. Adam was wearing the red ones! In the scene right after Daniel calls the ambulance, we see a bus and someone walking along. Well that someone is Adam wearing the red runners.
Ahhh! So it's Daniel.
I figured after tonight's episode, there being a "big reveal" still to come according to next week's previews, that it wasn't now going to be Daniel wot dunnit. And Sinead was pretty convincing tonight too.
Maricha - it isn't Daniel. The stuff that Sinead was referring to was the clothes not the runners. I went back and checked the episode that Ken got attacked....Daniel was wearing black runners, Adam was wearing red.
Adam makes sense. He's been going overtime trying to blame everyone but himself. That alone is a big clue.
Oh! Thanks
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