It was enjoyable, if not a little disjointed, I thought, as it kept chopping and changing, back and forth between her childhood and 1993. But still, it was enjoyable enough. If you missed it you can catch up here.
The life of Pat Phoenix, who played Elsie Tanner, was once turned into a bio-pic and shown on TV. Two actresses, who then went on to join Coronation Street played the role of Pat. At the top of this blog post you can see Denise Black (Denise Osbourne) on the left and Sue Johnstone (Gloria Price) on the right, both representing Pat Pheoenix at different stages of her life.
And of course, in Daran Little's fantastic, BAFTA-winning The Road to Coronation Street
So is there anyone from Coronation Street that you'd like to know more about and watch their life unfold in a television biopic?
I think Julie Goodyear's life (who played Bet Lynch) would be fascinating to watch. For anyone who's read her autobiography, you'll know that it has more drama than any soap opera!
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Yes, Julie Goodyear's life would indeed be an interesting biopic. Maybe Liz Dawn as well.
Not so much a biopic but I'd love to see a programme about how the old Corrie actors trod the boards. Can't remember all the actors names but they played: Percy Sugden, Jack & Vera, Ena Sharples. So many of them began their career in music hall and the clubs which is why they were so brilliant at conveying a whole range of emotions. I wonder if there's any film footage of these actors.
That would be brilliant.:-)
I'd like to see a biopic of Betty Driver...she was already famous twenty years before Corrie started, married young, and had an interesting home life. I was surprised when I read all that she accomplished.
Holy smokes! I thought Sue Johnstone was Pat Pheonix! I did not recognize Denise Black...but she looks awesome too.
I think a Bet Lynch biopic would be awesome.
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