It starts when Peter confides in Leanne that Chloe is lying about her whereabouts on the night that Ken was attacked. Leanne is determined to do what she can for Peter and calls at Chloe’s house, demanding she drops the assault charge against Peter.
But Toyah also barges in and Chloe wonder what’s going on. Leanne and Toyah play Chloe at her own game and threaten to report her for assault unless she drops the charges against Peter.
Will Chloe concede and will she give Peter an alibi for the time Ken was attacked?
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Still seems to me that Leanne and Peter genually care for each other and will end up together. Toyah needs to go, very disappointing return and the lack of chemistry between her and Peter is unbearable!
Leanne and Peter is like Ken and Deirdre...fight it all you is meant to be.
Leanne and Peter would be great friends but Peter is too much of a flake. Getting rid of Nick to get stuck with Peter would be like trading a temperamental teen for a toddler: still having to mother one more kid on top of the two real ones she has.
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