We’ve known for a while that there’s going to be a new name above the door at the Rovers Return. It was a spoiler which Coronation Street producer Kate Oates gave away a few months ago.
But whose will that name be?
Well, in the previews for next week’s Coronation Street, it looks as if it might be Toyah and Peter who buy the local pub. Peter gets the cash to buy the boozer from money that has come through from the shop.
But when Steve tells Michelles that Peter and Toyah are now in a position to buy the pub and she’ll soon have her money, Nick forms a plan - just what is he up to?
Whatever it is, it’s enough for Steve to tell Peter and Toyah that he’s had a change of heart and is now refusing to sell his pub.

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Nick offers to buy Michelle's share of the pub but will remain a sleeping partner? Probably dependent on Robert buying his share of the Bistro. However, Nick is leaving so whatever his plan, it's unlikely to be delivered.
I wonder if the new owner could be Andy McDonald, with a new head?
current name over the door is both steve and michelle. I wonder if the big change is that it's just Steve or it's Steve and Liz.
I still don't understand why Steve is giving half his money to a wonan he was only married to for three years and who has no dependants. She can support herself.
I really hope it's not Peter and Toyah. It might be interesting to watch Peter behind the bar for a while, but I think Toyah as landlady would be worse than St. Ella's tenure, and that's saying something.
Maybe Toyah will leave and...pipe dream here because I'd love to see Todd behind the bar - Peter would be looking for someone to buy in. If Drew left a sizable inheritance to Summer's guardian(s), and Billy actually agreed (I know he wouldn't), it could turn into a similar situation where Peter kept Simon to use his inheritance to buy the bookie's, ostensibly to invest in Simon's future. Todd would agree to raise Summer so he could use the money to buy the Rovers. Peter could even suggest it, as something he's done himself.
I know it won't happen - can't see Todd agreeing to run a pub with an alcoholic he barely knows, or Billy agreeing to it - but I think it would be interesting to see Peter and Todd working together behind the bar, and to see the result of Todd owning a business.
I keep forgetting that Peter bought the bookies with money left to Simon by his mother. Isn't it wrong that Peter would now buy the pub to finance Toyah's IVF with the profits? Shouldn't that money be going to an account for Simon's future? He's not a little boy anymore, so his need for money to get an education or start a business of his own is imminent.
It should - I doubt Simon knows that, but I'm surprised Ken hasn't mentioned it, since he knows and confronted Peter back in the day when the money was spent on the bookies.
At the very least, knowing how Peter was planning to use the money from the sale of the bookies, he should have realized Simon will never see a penny of his mother's money and given Peter's share in his estate to Simon. It would have been believable - and yet another motive to bonk him on the head.
And if memory serves, Peter lost the bookies because Rob won a bet he couldn't pay out - and Peter agreed to pay it off by letting him and Tracy use the old bookies store rent-free to open their pawn shop. Probably wasn't written anywhere to make it legally binding, but Tracy was owed close to 35 thousand pounds of free rent. Doubt he was telling potential buyers that.
And when Tracy was outraged that Peter was forcing her to buy the storefront or get out, he should have reminded her that once upon a time she happily let her boyfriend force him to close his business so she could open one of her own in its place. Karma can be a real witch.
Deirdre left some money for both Amy and Simon so Ken might think it isn't worth the bother to try to get Peter to act responsibly. But I don't think she could have left so much that Simon wouldn't need the money his mother left him.
That money should always have been in a trust where Peter couldn't touch it.
Well, not sure one could call it Karma. As a bookie, if Peter couldn't pay Rob what he owed him for winning the bet, Rob could have taken him to court and ended up being awarded the property in lieu of payment.
Peter got off the hook easily by just having to turn over the shop space to Rob and Tracy.
I think if regulators knew he had taken on a bet he couldn't cover they would have just closed his place up and he would have been out of business anyways.
So now we know that Tracy is buying the store and flat - Peter will own the pub. So he and Toyah will move into the Rovers...and finally Tracy will have a place of her own - She and Amy can move into the flat above the shop ! How nice is that. :-)
Maricha...part of Peter's planning was that the Rover's would be an investment to look after the future of his family...I would think this would include Simon. And I may be wrong...but while the Peter was away didn't Tracy pay the rent to Leanne? So again I am sure Simon is not forgotten.
I must have missed that, Peter kept telling Toyah that owning it would mean having money for IVF. After Steve's money problems I was even doubting that was true.
I'm glad Simon isn't entirely forgotten but since all this money was for him and these businesses aren't in his name, this doesn't seem on the up and up. Peter ends up with the money -or whatever it bought- and Simon only gets interest or revenue on that money: I doubt his mom meant to enrich her bigamist ex instead of her son.
Exactly - Peter is not thinking of Simon, he's thinking of Toyah and IVF. That's what he keeps referring to, and taking Simon on a trip someday. Whatever he says to the contrary, in all those moments of self-recrimination and regret that amount to nothing, Peter is more than happy to let Leanne shoulder the responsibility of raising Simon, and I highly doubt he'll ever pay back the money Lucy originally left to Simon. It's shady, and it's too bad Ken didn't speak up for Simon.
And as his legal guardian, doesn't Leanne have a right to know the money from the sale of the bookies belongs to Simon, not Peter, and have a say in what is done with it to serve Simon's best interests?
Although, she was willing to use the money Deirdre had left Simon to buy into the Bistro, so maybe her judgment isn't much better - still would have been using Simon's money without it truly being all for him.
Just thinking too - especially sad that Ken didn't speak up for Simon, who is apparently the only family member not under suspicion for shoving him down the stairs!
I agree. Actually, when Leanne got custody of Simon, whatever Peter had bought with that should have been hers to manage for her son's benefit.
I have never heard Peter discuss giving her child support. It's nice if Leanne was getting Tracy's rent money but Peter himself should be contributing to the support of Simon, not just the inheritance from his first mother.
To add to all of this...does anyone remember when Leanne tried to get Nick to pay child support.....for Simon!!!! lmao Funniest thing ever. Talk about brazen!
Well, it's not like she can put the squeeze on Peter, can she? That one is a moving target.
I can't get over the fact that Peter has Simon who doesn't even live with him, he lives with his father's ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend (is Leeanne a legal guardian?) Now he going through with IVF with a woman he has know a few months who cheated on her husband to be with him. Peter has got to be pushing 50 drives a cab and his girlfriend only works part-time in the local pub (she is supposedly a trained counsellor why can't she get a job doing that) I can't see this ending well at all.
Yes, Leanne is Simon's legal guardian.
I don't see Peter and Toyah making it for the long haul but as long as he stays sober, it will be fine.
Nothing nice ever happens in this street. If Toyah and Peter look to getting the Rovers, it won't happen.
It won't..nothing does!
Peter has an addictive personality. So if he is off of the booze....it will not be long before he is cheating with a barmaid. Toyah definitely lacks the 'special something' to be a landlady of the Rovers.
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