But how will he go? Indeed, how should he go? It's something I've been giving a bit of thought to and I list for your delectation below, the top 5 ways I'd like to see Nasty Nathan leave Coronation Street.
1. Pat Phelan kills him
Pat's got form, leaving Michael Rodwell to die. And what did happen to Andy, will we ever find out? He may not be a cold-blooded killer, but we know his heart is definitely not in the right place. I reckon Phelan could crush Nathan behind the bins up the ginnel. But why would Phelan and Nathan's paths cross? That's a tricky one and so it probably won't be Phelan who sees him off. Let's examine theory number 2...
2. Sarah Platt kills him
Sarah was an accomplice in Callum's murder when Kylie bashed him with the wrench. She knows how to kill a man, she's seen it done in her own living room. I reckon Sarah will be horrified enough to want to kill off Nathan when she finds out what he's been doing to Bethany. And Gary will give her a hand, using his army training to knock Nathan out cold before they stick him under Gail's garage floor.
3. Mel dobs him to the cops
There's a lot more going on in Mel's life than we know about. She and Nathan have history and she's scared, but won't help Bethany, even though she knows what Nathan's doing is wrong. I reckon she might just be the one to dob Nathan into the cops when his treatment of Bethany gets out of hand.
4. Shona dobs him to the cops
How does Shona know Nathan and what's their past history? We don't yet know. Could Nathan be the father to Shona's son, killer Clayton? I'm not sure about this, but there's definitely something in their shared past that links Shona and Nathan. She could be the one who goes to the cops and dobs him in, if Mel doesn't. Maybe Shona finds out about Bethany via her links with David and the Platts?
5. Craig arrests him
And finally, could PC Tinker's first arrest be that of Nathan Curtis? He's good friends with Bethany so perhaps she opens up to Craig about what's been going on. Incensed, he goes after Nathan, nicks him and calls his police training person to tell him what he's done? All speculation, of course.
How do you think Nathan will leave Coronation Street - and how would you like to see him go?
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I like the idea of Nathan being Craig's first arrest rather than him being killed off by Phelan who deserves to be in jail himself for Andy's murder.
I do want to see another body buried in David's house as he could be implicated as an accomplice after the fact and risk going to jail[which is what I think Sarah wants to take over the house].
According to an interview with Lucy Fallon in OK, this storyline is set to continue until Autumn so there are a lot more twists and turns to come ...
The autumn is a long way off yet and I'm finding this storyline extremely disturbing, although excellently portrayed. I'm hoping Craig is involved in the arrest, thus saving his mate. I hope Nathan isn't killed off, with him and his vile grooming ring all sentenced to a very long time in Strangeways, where they will have to watch their backs every second of every day, they're incarcerated in there due to the nature of their crimes
If they're keeping this real, Nathan would either continue for years unchallenged or somebody would eventually go to the police. I hope the story isn't sensationalised with a sticky end for Nathan even if it's what he deserves. I think Mary may put two and two together, Craig may have similar concerns and they persuade Sarah to go to the police.
We don't know how long he's been doing this for in the past. He's obviously known to the police, or why else would he be questioned every time a teenage girl disappears? He's obviously on their radar for some reason. Maybe he's been so slimy and slippery in the past, that the police haven't actually been able to pin anything specific on him
Omg. I've just read a spoiler that says when Bethany tries to report the abuse to the police that the officer she sees is her abuse perpetrator Neill. He apparently says to her she's not even safe in a police station. This is getting extremely scary
That depends on if the ratings were improved by Ken's whodunnit. If they were, Nathan will be murdered and half the residents of Coronation Street will be questioned by those Keystone cops.;-)
After reading the post from anon 21.38, does that mean that Craig's mentor might be Neill? Just wonderin
Anon 06:20
I like the way you think. :-)
Neil is a copper so I think Bethany kills Nathan to escape.
I'm getting tired of murders and violence, and I don't think it's realistic that he would be killed, although they should depict Gary wanting to. Maybe then he'd back off David for having tried to kill Clayton and hurting Anna. I also like the idea of Craig being involved. He knows something's not right with Bethany and it would be his redemption for standing by during Kylie's murder (not his fault, but he feels guilty about it).
I'm getting tired of murders and violence, and I don't think it's realistic that he would be killed, although they should depict Gary wanting to. Maybe then he'd back off David for having tried to kill Clayton and hurting Anna. I also like the idea of Craig being involved. He knows something's not right with Bethany and it would be his redemption for standing by during Kylie's murder (not his fault, but he feels guilty about it).
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