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"I have been a Corrie fan for almost four decades, and in that time, I have had an up and down relationship. Mostly ‘up’ though, and currently there seems to be an injection of energy in the show, guaranteed to keep you all interested in the coming months.
Here’s my five reasons why Corrie is currently cooking on gas:
1. Who attacked Ken?
All fingers point towards his family, and in true ‘Who Shot J.R’ style, it recalls the 1980s when soaps had 20 million viewers. In an age of Netflix and TV on Demand, serial dramas need a long-running cliffhanger of a storyline, to attract fans back and keep die-hards interested. And this one ticks all the boxes. The Barlows have more criminal tendencies than Frank Gallagher’s family in Shameless, so whilst we are looking at them, Hercule Poirot style, someone else could be walking away scot-free.
2. The return of much-loved characters
Peter Barlow, Toyah Battersby, and Rosie Webster have all returned to the cobbles recently. Eastenders has been doing this for years. Sometimes it has worked and other times (Michelle Fowler, but not as we know her) it has bombed. In Corrie, the writing is so damn good now, that these characters get integrated with ease. Sure, the Toyah and Peter storyline is stretched beyond belief, but as a way of bring them back, it worked for the shock impact.
3. All hail Kym Marsh
Much has been written about this actor’s brilliant performances over the last few months, and rightly so. Michelle used to play second fiddle to the mighty Carla Connor (who I still miss!), wiping her tears and fighting her battles. But, now due to the wandering eyes and loins of Steven McDonald, she is at loggerheads with her husband and his family. The storylines have been strong and heartfelt and Kym has delivered every step of the way. Pure and Simple, Kym rocks!
4. Sally and Tim
Sally and Tim are one of those couples that Corrie writers are great at creating. They are believable opposites, and remind you of Stan and Hilda or Jack and Vera. The belong together like fish and chips or Ant and Dec. The writers always give them funny lines, and their chemistry, thanks to Sally Dynevor and Joe Duttine keeps this couple in that classic mould. I know there is trouble afoot, but I hope the humour remains.
5. Tracy and Mary
I love these two. Separately they are classic Corrie characters, but together this chalk ‘n’ cheese pairing is electric. Mary has the stories that leave Tracy sighing, but secretly enjoying and Tracy has the acid tongue and strength that Mary envies. Even if the flower shop does change hands, please Corrie writers find a way to team these two up, as I have not enjoyed such a camp pairing since Cagney and Lacey! I could see them pulling pints in the Rovers!
So, Sinead and Daniel aside, Corrie is on fire. So, if you have not tuned in for a while, come back to the cobbles, as you might have had a million reasons to walk away, but there’s five good ones above to make you stay.
by Glenn Meads
Guest blog post by by Glenn Meads who is on Twitter and LinkedIn
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!
See also Glenn's post: We need to talk about Sinead

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It's not an barn burner, but for all her miscarriages and difficulties conceiving, I am so happy that Leanne finally got to have her much longed for baby. Glad she isn't getting all misty around us, esp considering her sister's situation, but wish she'd share that thought with Oliver or Nick.
I agree, I wish Leanne had gotten a chance to enjoy the miracle she got and see how far she came with someone, if not Nick then perhaps Eva or Simon. She hasn't had a moment's peace to do that.
Ironically enough, the question of who should take over the Rovers was posed on Twitter. I read all of the replies and suggested Mary and Tracy as they fit together like yin and yang, and could definitely see them pulling the pints. Maybe I should be writing a blog. hmm mph...
Ooh please do!
I agree with most of these I guess. I am less than thrilled with Toyah's return, which is unfortunate because I was really looking forward to it.
And try as I may, I just don't dig Michelle.While she is being played well, the character has been so caustic for so long, with the constant belittling and arm folding, I can't muster up much sympathy. I would just love to see her gone. When tragedy befalls someone, it doesn't automatically make them a good person. She;s still caustic Michelle, only sadder and vindictive now. Yikes.
I wish it was Nick who got Michelle and Leanne pregnant and the story played out that way. No one can cry like Leanne!
I'm with Zagg. I hope that when Michelle returns she doesn't just carry on where she left off, with her revenge. I think that is quite likely to happen though. Otherwise, I agree Glenn!
Thanks for all your comments. I used to love Anna and now find her a bit sanctimonious. Leanne has always been a fave in this household, too.
Great post! Add to that, the creepy Nathan /Bethany storyline is keeping me watching as well. I love the dysfunctional Barlows! I hope they pull out a real shocker and have one of the family members being the guilty one, and if they do my money's on Adam if they don't go the way of the secondary character cop-out. (Seb?)
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