Actor Marc Baylis is reprising his role as killer Rob and so it's timely to have a very quick look back at Rob Donovan's story so far.
Rob Donovan is Carla Connor’s younger brother. He first turned up in Coronation Street in 2012 after being freed from Strangeways. He was billed as a 'street-fighting hunk' on his arrival.
He managed Underworld with Michelle Connor while Carla was away for six months in L.A.
He and Tracy Barlow joined forces and he ran Barlow’s Buys with her after Carla sacked him from Underworld.
In order to win Tracy's mum over, he flirted with Deirdre. She loved it.
He got engaged to Tracy.
Rob was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. While in the big house, he tried blackmailing Johnny Connor, aware that Johnny was really Carla’s dad.
And now he’s free, what trouble will be bring for Tracy this time around?
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Like a bad penny, he keeps turning up! lol
I actually liked the character, he was the guy you loved to loathe, as opposed to other baddies who are just creepy.
Glad to hear he's coming back to stir the pot!
It took me a while to warm up to him, but by the end I was sad to see him go. Like C said, he was a character I loved to hate.
He's a lot like Peter, the actors are so charismatic that they make you root for the characters even though you shouldn't.
Maybe he's what it will take to have the writers be willing to see Phelan off.
Loved how badass Rob always was...until Carla cut him to the quick. They always had this similar "hardman" exterior, but could hurt each other AND soothe each other like only a brother and sister who have lived--and in this case survived-- the same familial life can.
Why is he free?he is a murderer. If he had escaped the residents on the street would all know from local news reports.
Craig mentioned to Bethany that prisoners had escaped. I imagine Rob was one of them.
Finally some decent eye candy!
I liked Rob and I liked his dynamic with Carla. It felt very sibling-ish. I met Marc here in Halifax a few years ago and he was a really nice guy, too. I'm a bit surprised Rob would go to Tracy for help because he didn't want to have anything to do with her since she was the one that turned him in. I suppose he didn't have anyone else to turn to.
Perhaps she discovered him by accident while she was looking for Amy and just didn't have the heart to turn him in again.
Apparently he's sick or injured and needs medication.
Maricha. Can i just ask, when do you sleep? I think you're based in North America? But you post at all times of the day and night. Kudos for that
Presumably he's the reason Tracy was pretending to have a cough? He didn't look too healthy, not surprising if he's been living rough since escaping from the prison van, as Craig told Bethany. But Confused (above) is right. His escape would be reported in the local press. All very contrived - as someone suggested a while ago, what's the betting it was Rob who pushed Ken downstairs? He probably broke in, hoping to find some cash.
Lol, I sleep at night but very, very, very fitfully as you've noticed. ;)
It's been going on for so long that it doesn't affect my work or my posts so I'm embracing it :D
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