And in next week's Coronation Street, we'll see an unlikely alliance begin to form when Mary and Bethany share secrets in the florists.
It begins when Bethany and Mary are caught chatting inside Preston's Petals by Nathan. He demands to know what Bethany has been telling Mary and then he bundles her out of the shop. Mary, not one to miss much at the best of times, is onto Nathan and wonders what's going on. So could Mary be the one to save her? Perhaps she and Craig get together and express their concerns to Sarah and Gary about the way Nathan's treating Bethany? I do hope so.
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Why should Craig and Mary inform Sarah and Gary about Nathan's treatment of Bethany??!!?? Sarah should have been on to him weeks ago and Gary definitely should have Nathan's interest in Bethany suspect from the get go!!!
Bethany's victimization is in part Sarah's fault.
Eryn is too right that it should be Bethany's own mum that cottons on to this...BUT I still think it's going to be Shona who really saves the day. It'll be her redemption for being Kylie's killer's mom.
I hope it is Mary who saves Bethany rather than Craig. He always seems scared of Nathan and he lacks much in the way of courage. And I agree, if Sarah wasn't so dopey she would have sussed Nathan out a long time ago. Grown woman still acting the part of a silly teenager.
If Mary gets involved it will be in the aftermath of this as she was also sexually abused.
At this point, I don't see how she would approach Sarah about this. As far as I know, Mary doesn't know Sarah from Adam.
Sometimes it's easier to open up to a stranger or someone you're not close to
I totally agree anon. I know, as it was easier for me to talk to someone whom I had no connection when I had problems. They didn't judge or criticise me, they just listened and advised. Also, who said that Bethany approached Mary, it could've been the other way round?
Sometimes, when it's your own kids, you have blinders on. Sarah has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer and if she wants to believe her teen's romantic drivel, I could totally buy her not seeing or doing anything about it. Mary and Craig, the trusted neighbors, would be more objective, and they're both caring by nature. Those two wouldn't stay quiet when a kid is involved.
Does Mary know Daniel from Adam? ;)
I'm still not sure whether we're meant to sympathise with Sarah as an average mother who doesn't see what's going on in plain sight or a particularly dim one who deserves no sympathy. Either view is dramatically fine but the writing for Sarah hasn't been very sharp. If only she had a friend to discuss her fears with, we would get an insight in to her thoughts. Yes, it's Bethany's story but the whole family gets affected. She's got Gary but he thinks with his fists.
Mary would be excellent at picking up subtexts in Nathan's charm assault. She's travelled widely and probably had to quickly assess potentially dangerous situations. Those experiences as well as surviving her traumatic past would give her the confidence to sweetly challenge Nathan. I can see that she might brief Craig, and then the two of them persuade Sarah to let Craig report it to his superiors.
Sarah should have woken up weeks ago. But no she is too busy drinking in the pub with Gary. What mother would sit idly by while her 16 year old daughter is dating an 30 year old man! Why haven't Gail, Audrey, David and Nick noticed anything? Come on. Why hasn't Sarah confided in Nick and David?
I will be so glad to see the back of this storyline. I realize that the writers are trying to educate us on how these creeps groom young girls, but realistically on that tiny little street were everyone knows everyone's business we are expected to believe that no one else in the family has seen the two of them together?
With all due respect, they've never been on a "date" as such, never been to see a film, had lunch at the Trafford centre, been shopping in Manchester city centre, any stuff the normal couples do. They've never even had a meal in the bistro, and everyone in Corrie does that. Bethany always used to go to his flat, or hang around at the tanning salon. They never spent much time on the street. I don't recall Nathan ever picking Bethany up from her home. Their time together has always been on his terms, thus starting the grooming process and distancing Bethany from her family
Jeanie (anon): I think blaming Sarah misses the point of the storyline (though I agree she's a total dimwit). There's nothing to suggest that Sarah doesn't realize Nathan is a sleaze. But, because Bethany's sixteen there is not a lot Sarah can do to stop her daughter from sleeping or living or hanging out with Nathan. That's her dilemma: the angrier she gets with Nathan the more she risks driving her daughter away--right into Nathan's clutches. There's nothing stopping Nathan and Bethany from moving up to Newcastle, for example, which would allow him to further isolate her from her family.
He really is following the pattern of the classic predator--isolating his victim from the support of her family. Then, once he's pimped her out to two or three of his friends, she'll become so ashamed of what she's done that she won't want to tell her mother (further isolating her). Next step will be to start moving her around to different hotels around the country. There were a couple of sex ring cases prosecuted here in Canada and the pimps and their victims follow the exact same path unfolding in Coronation Street.
So it would make sense that someone from outside, like Mary or Craig, might help, because there's too much baggage between Bethany and her mom. Sometimes you can accept advice better from someone whom you're not in an intense relationship with. You can also tell them things that you might be too embarrassed or ashamed to tell your parents because you think they will be disappointed in you.
Lol! Totally forgot there's an Adam on Corrie.;)
I think so and with all due respect to Mary, the fact that she's a bit flaky makes her more approachable. Bethany won't see her as a judgmental older woman but as a dotty aunt you can't shock. Look at how she gets along with Tracy.
This is mainly Sarah's fault. She never kept track of where Bethany was from day one when the girl got to Weatherfield on her own. I understand that she's still quite young and wants to build a life for herself but it's not Bethany who should pay the price for being born to a child. Instead of settling Bethany properly in her new life, she hooked up with Callum and now she's with Gary and a young baby. If she'd focused on Bethany she'd have noticed that her daughter has no friends and that her lack of respect for family members like David means Bethany doesn't think to turn to them.
Sarah hasn't even mentioned this to Todd even though she knows he was supportive with Bethany recently and he cares about her.
Remember that when they had Nathan over, only Sarah and Gary were there. That was a huge mistake since Sarah already suspected things weren't on the up and up with this guy even if she didn't know how old he was.
Bethany is proving to be easy to isolate because she was already alone in many ways. If she doesn't catch on to the warning signs on her own, few people are close enough to open her eyes.
Have I missed it, but what has Gail had to say about all this? Her granddaughter has left home and yet there is no comment, confrontation etc., but she interferes in every part of her adult children's lives.
The way she runs to make tea, Mary definitely knows Adam ;)
I think Mary tells Nick, who goes round to save his neice but is murdered by Nathan. Nick is leaving the show so maybe thats how he goes.
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