Billy's ex-fella, Drew has revealed that he's dying of cancer. And in next week's Corrie we'll see Todd and Billy in deep discussions about whether or not they can take on Drew's daughter Summer and bring her up as their own.
Summer is Billy's god-daughter, but does he have enough on his hands looking after Todd and God?
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Surely, if Summer is Billy's goddaughter, they would have been in regular touch, and this conversation with Drew about guardianship would have been had long before Drew because terminal. Also, can we expect a brat who will undergo the usual Corrie personality transplant?
I get the feeling Drew hasn't really known about the diagnosis very long and a godparent isn't necessarily the go-to for guardianship. So many people don't make arrangements until they have to or don't at all. If he lives somewhere away, Billy likely wouldn't have had as much contact.
Although not very realistic for this to come out of the blue, it would be a different direction for Billy and Todd as a couple. I like the idea.
I realise the phone conversation that Todd overhead was intentionally misleading to allow for the big reveal, but maybe Drew's not as honest as he appears. Who was he on the phone to as he says his partner disappeared long ago? A new lover, or the old one, who he's preparing to join once his daughter is settled with Billy? I don't suppose the plan is that she stays with Drew right up until the funeral. Meaning that he's not ill at all but has made himself look that way.
I saw that coming a mile away. Whatever happens I hope all Ts are crossed and Is dotted so there's no tedious custody fight somewhere down the line.
I completely agree, Humpty. The phone call sounded more sinester than sad. I would like to see Billy the dad, but I don't think it's right for Todd. I think this will split them up (no great loss as they don't have much chemistry) but street smart Todd will sort out Drew's deception even if it is too late.
And then, hopefully, he will get a decent job.
When our son was born, our best friends were his Godparents. When we made our will his Godparents agreed to be named as guardians should something happen to us. So perhaps Drew and Billy had made the same arrangement. I think Billy would make an awesome Dad and I can see Todd coming on board eventually. Perhaps that would be an incentive for them to get their own place (finally).
maybe Drew was talking to Рhelan? ;)
Really? No way, that is a bit far fetched
I can see Todd eventually warming to playing Daddy.
Since someone mentioned Phelan....has anyone noticed all of the spoilers online for Corrie but not one mentions Phelan. Have the writers forgotten all his bad deeds?
Not buying this Drew story at all. Who was Drew talking to? Why and what gives him the right to test anyone's relationship. As for keeping in touch...with social media that seems impossible. Billy has never mentioned one word about Summer or Drew, Todd has never expressed a desire for he and Billy to raise a child. I think it's very presumptuous of's BIG thing to ask someone to raise your child. It is asking someone to make a huge sacrifice. Something about this guy bugs me..I don't like him. Do have to say, Todd got some great lines to say
People forget that Todd was prepared to raise Bethany with Sarah at one point so being a dad wouldn't be a great change of character. I think he'll initially turn down the idea because it's a scary prospect but in time will eventually agree to it. Todd and Billy have tons of chemistry work excellently as a couple and deserve more screen time so this could be an interesting direction for them. Hope they can finally get a place of their own too, as much as I love Todd and Eileen's relationship it's about time him and Billy moved out.
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