Family in Crisis award: The Barlows are all going to start in on each other, tearing each other to bits with suspicions, offenses and defenses.
Fify Shades of Hypocracy award: Oh. I see. It wasn't ok when Sinead lied to Daniel and called her termination a miscarriage but it IS ok to lie to Ken and say she miscarried?
DIY award: Who knew Adam knows the business end of a hammer? He's finishing off the kitchen at Number 1!
WILLful award: If the new will was dated while Adam was out of the picture, and that was after Ken ordered him out of Weatherfield, it's hardly likely Ken would then make a will and give Adam a larger share and cut Tracy out, is it? Intriguing.
Cool as a Cucumber award: Daniel. He was good under pressure. Loved that he pointed out the police have decided to find his mother four months after he reported it and hoped that it won't take as long to find out who assaulted his father. Daniel 1 WPD 0.
Pants on Fire award: Daniel was looking at train schedules on his phone after he found out Peter told the family about Denise. Does he actually know or suspect where she is after all and has been lying to everyone?
Breach of Protocol award: Surely journalists would contact a councilor through the Town Hall and not call them at home? Maybe the mobile phone is a work number Sally gives out.
Mr. Tactless award: Brian. See line of the week.
Lines of the week:
Brian "If I'd been clattered by me own family, the last thing I'd want is to give them a second go"
Daniel about Ken "When has his family ever brought him anything but grief?" (true)
Audrey "He used three cans of hairspray and even then, he was only a light gust away from disaster!"
Maria "A one armed woman in a salon is about as much use as a one legged man in a backside kicking contest"
Audrey "I've broken me humeris" Freddie "There's nothing funny about that!"
Anna "isn't it nice, eh, when a Family comes together in a crisis" Roy "Let's hope Ken sees it that way" (indeed)

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1 comment:
I'm loathing Brian now, he's not kind or funny, even. How on earth was he ever a head teacher? I will also give the Audrey Roberts Noise Award to Maria for her brilliant impression.
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