She finds out she's going to be a grandma yet again when David says he's got Maria pregnant! It's all a big fib, of course, a Platt prank played by David and Maria to wind up Gail somethign rotton.
Inside Soap magazine tell us this week that not only do David and Maria fool Gail with the pregnancy news but they tell her they're getting engaged. Gail starts picking out hats for the wedding until Audrey tells her not to be so gullible. And when Gail finds out that David's been lying, she determines to get her own back. Ooh, I wonder what she'll do?
Meanwhile, Maria's pretend romance with David hasn't gone unnoticed by Aidan and Maria's pleased to see that it's been making Aidan jealous. David gets Maria to confess to him about what's been going on between her and Aidan and Maria spills the beans about their afternoon of sofa rumpy-pumpy.

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Looking forward to this! Jack Shepherd has always been great at comedy. Good to have the Platts in a more lighthearted storyline for once.
Finally a little humour! lol
As Audrey frequently has said; Oh, Gail! ;-)
They should be a real couple
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