She speaks of that as a terrible time in her life and she wouldn't have been able to manage to move on if it weren't for her children and family. Wee Archie was delivered at just 21 weeks. While Michelle was suicidal after Ruairi's death, Kym was able to lean on her family's strength to get her through.
“I never got to the point of thinking about taking my own life, but I don’t know how I might have felt if I hadn’t had two young children and a good support network around me."
Producer Kate Oates gave her the option of not doing the storyline but she thought it was important. There was a counsellor on set while she filmed the wrenching scenes which helped a great deal. She also talks about being glad that they haven't shown Michelle bouncing back after the death.
“It was important Michelle didn’t lose her baby and be fine the next week, as that’s not how it is."
“We wanted people to understand not just what Michelle went through but also how it affected her husband and her wider family.”
Michelle and her family continue to remember Archie and celebrate his birthday. They keep Archie's memory alive and he is still part of the family.
“I always say that I’m mother to three children and one angel.”
Since the storyline aired, she's had lots of positive feedback from people that have been through the same thing, as has the charity Sands who deals with bereavement.
It's a good interview. Do read it.

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She had a late miscarriage not an early miscarriage, though I understand you must have written that by mistake.
Oh yes, good catch. That's what I meant. Will change it. thanks!
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