No matter how fond I am of the character, ever since Pat Phelan (played by Connor McIntyre) brutally murdered Andy Carver, his metaphorical clock started ticking. When I read the spoiler about the villainous crook's return to the cobbles in 2015, I jumped for joy (not literally but you get the picture) because where there's Pat, drama is never far behind.
Phelan began sinking his claws into Jason Grimshaw and his building company, along with his mum, Eileen. Gary Windass was quick to warn Jason's brother Todd about the dodgy Phelan, advising him to pass his pearls of wisdom onto Jason. Being the protective brother he is (sometimes) Todd began his mission to bring down Phelan or at least get some incriminating evidence.
Todd, Kevin Webster, and Anna and Gary seemed the only ones able to see through Phelan's smarmy charm, until unlikely resident Michael Rodwell no longer allowed Pat to pull the wool over his eyes. Phelan barged his way into Eileen's life through Jason and as always, Eileen fell for anything that meant she wouldn't have to be alone anymore. After binning Michael off, Eileen toppled into Phelan's arms, much to Todd's dismay. Phelan is an intelligent character so he was very quick to recognise the issue within Todd. He was watching Pat's every move, giving him no wiggle room for dodgy dealings.
Next thing we know, Phelan's old associate Vinny Ashford appears on the scene, announcing he's got a new scam in the works. Obviously, this scam is living and breathing trouble which made me wonder when on earth Eileen became so naive. The scam powered through and it seemed for a while that nothing was going to stop them. However, former criminal himself, Michael, was determined not to become the butt of everyone's jokes anymore and wanted to prove that Phelan was nothing but a fraud.
Michael met his demise when he pushed Phelan one step too far. We waved goodbye to Michael when Pat left him for dead on the building site, only for none other than Todd to discover him. Obviously by now, Todd was in on the scam and finding a dead body on the site obviously unsettled him, as it would all of us. It was the same day that Vinny ran off with all the money, leaving Phelan well and truly in the lurch. It felt good to see Phelan get his comeuppance, especially when Eileen showed us her best right hook, hitting him right in the face.
However, it wasn't long before Phelan bounced back again. Everyone seemed to forget they were robbed out of £15,000 so he was off the hook there. In this time he even managed to get married, but not before killing Andy Carver in cold blood. I never actually thought Pat had it in him to physically murder someone but it was excellent to watch.
As it stands, I thought Pat was finally calming down a little bit. We hadn't seen him for ages after the wedding so I almost forgot that he'd killed Andy and presumably buried the body. But in the last week and especially tonight (Monday 27th March), Pat's been getting riled up again. Billy Mayhew had to stop him from lamping Todd on Friday but that didn't stop Pat from throwing his step-son against a wall, warning him to keep his mouth shut. Phelan is now also a suspect for pushing Ken Barlow down the stairs.We know he's got form and he's got enough motive but in my opinion he's too obvious a suspect.
So could Ken be next on Phelan's victim list? Will Todd finally back off? I doubt it.
Connor McIntyre plays Phelan impeccably, helping to create the villain we all love to hate. I really hope he sticks around for a while yet, there's definitely plenty more drama to come yet.
Written by Sophie Williams- on twitter @sophie_jw26
However, it wasn't long before Phelan bounced back again. Everyone seemed to forget they were robbed out of £15,000 so he was off the hook there. In this time he even managed to get married, but not before killing Andy Carver in cold blood. I never actually thought Pat had it in him to physically murder someone but it was excellent to watch.
As it stands, I thought Pat was finally calming down a little bit. We hadn't seen him for ages after the wedding so I almost forgot that he'd killed Andy and presumably buried the body. But in the last week and especially tonight (Monday 27th March), Pat's been getting riled up again. Billy Mayhew had to stop him from lamping Todd on Friday but that didn't stop Pat from throwing his step-son against a wall, warning him to keep his mouth shut. Phelan is now also a suspect for pushing Ken Barlow down the stairs.We know he's got form and he's got enough motive but in my opinion he's too obvious a suspect.
So could Ken be next on Phelan's victim list? Will Todd finally back off? I doubt it.
Connor McIntyre plays Phelan impeccably, helping to create the villain we all love to hate. I really hope he sticks around for a while yet, there's definitely plenty more drama to come yet.
Written by Sophie Williams- on twitter @sophie_jw26

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No matter what red herrings are tossed at us...I believe Phelan will prove to be the person who attacked Ken.
Ugh. I've been piling up episodes on my PVR because I just can't bear watching mor Phelan. No issue with the actor but the character is just too gross. Now I have about 50+ episodes to get through and he still will be there :(
I don't think Phelan assaulted Ken. It wouldn't be in keeping with the character. He's a bully, a blackmailer and a lowlife but not a serial killer.
Sure,he killed Andy but that was within seconds of Andy trying to kill him and after being put in the hospital by Andy. Not calling an ambulance for help as happened with Michael isn't the same as hitting an elderly man on the head because he scolded you earlier. Besides, why would Phelan be upstairs to angrily hit Ken in the first place? The kitchen where he's working is on the ground floor.
I don't think the attacker will be Phelan, it'll be a big red herring and the attacker will be Seb. He's been learning from Phelan and he'll try and do something during the renovations and Ken will catch him and he'll attack Ken Whilst trying to get away.
Seb being the attacker definitely makes more sense. The first day on the job he stole a medal and was caught by Phelan so it wouldn't be surprising if he went upstairs looking for jewelry or other small things to steal and was caught in the act by Ken this time.
The assumption is that Ken fell down the stairs because that is where he was found. Remember....he went to go upstairs but he heard someone in the kitchen...he stopped and headed that way. So either the attacker came to him, or he attempted to get away from the attacker. This idea of him falling down the stairs is not accurate. It is just the perception of those who found him.
Also, Pat was drinking....he was mortally offended by Ken. He did not have control of himself because of the liquor therefore his cool methodical thinking was off....and look back on John Stape....he did not mean to kill people either. lol
That's an excellent point. Ken may have been hit in the kitchen and been at the foot of the stairs because he was trying to get out the front door which is there too.
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