DANIEL HAS A LOT TO LEARN Adam winds Daniel up about his lack of experience with women so when Sinead asks Daniel if he would like to join her in the factory again he snaps at her leaving her embarrassed. When Chesney invites her for dinner in the Bistro Sinead accepts. Sorry for upsetting her Daniel heads over to the factory to apologise and one things leads to another. Meanwhile an oblivious Chesney waits in the bistro for Sinead.
ROSIE AND SOPHIE DICE WITH DANGER Having been released by the police Sophie and Rosie decide to try and sort out the mess they have found themselves in but they are shocked by what they find out.
DAVID IS INTRIGUED BY SHONA Whilst cutting Billy’s hair, David quizzes him about Shona. Billy explains that she’s had a hard life but underneath, she’s got a heart of gold. When David hands Shona a thank you card from Lily, she’s overcome with emotion. David heads home, bemused by her behaviour.
ELSEWHERE Phelan enlists the help of Seb to rip out the Barlows’ kitchen. When Phelan clocks Seb stealing a war medal from the dresser drawer, he orders him to put it back and reminds him he’s the boss and Seb’s there to do as he’s told. Having taken delivery of some parcels, Bethany realises they’re from Nathan. Telling Gail and Sarah they’re hair products, she shows them her online video.
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Oh, Gail's back then.
That picture of Rosie is awful. Doesn't even look like her.
I find Rosie looks a bit different than she did--was wondering if the actress had had some work done. Her cheekbones seem more sculpted and pronounced and sort of change the shape and look of her face.
Unfortunately her acting style and the ditzy, breathless persona is still the same though. If people like Steph left to make room for her, then arrgghh. Rosie's such a caricature! And the comical effect of having this air-headed bimbo as the daughter of an honest, hard-working mechanic is long played out. jeanie
I think she's just lost her baby fat, she's in her mid twenties now.
Have a look at this: http://www.whatsontv.co.uk/coronation-street/corrie-news/rosie-webster-life-pictures-448772/ Helen was never fat!! But I agree Anon, her cheekbones do look more prominent, but possibly to do with her being much thinner than before, and/or the make up she's wearing.
actually Gayle isn't back - Bethany showed the video to Sarah & Gary - maybe Gayle isn't coming back???
I hope I didn't sound mean by what I said I wasn't implying that Rosie was ever fat.
Most people have rounder,plumper faces and limbs when they're very young which look "sharper" as they age into their late teens and early twenties when they lose what's commonly called their baby fat.
You can already see that in the short time Bethany has been on, she's always been slim yet seemed to have child-like chubby cheeks but now her cheekbones are more prominent than when she first appeared.
I for one wouldn't miss Gail at all if she never came back. Sorry if that sounds mean but am not a fan of the character (nothing at all against the actress).
Gail, Beth and Mary have all mysteriously disappeared. I think Kirk said that Beth was visiting someone; is it the same with Gail? We don't know who is looking after Liam while Maria is in prison as he hasn't been seen or mentioned, and we haven't seen Craig for ages either, or Erica. What is going on here? Are there uncertainties over the future of these characters or is it just bad writing?
When Emily departed for Peru last year there were occasional references to her for a a few months afterwards but these now seem to have stopped. If Eileen Derbyshire never returns will Emily's fate simply be left in limbo?
I think it's pretty much always been the case that when someone has had a major storyline, once that storyline ends they aren't seen again for weeks. Like the actors get time off or something. Maybe that's the case>
Or, maybe there are just too many characters for the writers to know what to do with.
I don't really understand the Rosie haters. She is one of the Classic Corrie comic characters. I enjoyed every scene with her in Weds episodes. She even helps make Sophie's character more interesting.
So now Rosie's a drug mule..ha. What next? Hiding from the Mafia? OMG this storyline is going to be lame from the git go. And of course, he who cannot be understood will have more lines. Comedy gold!
I think Rosie has been using too much botox - that's why her cheeks look more chiseled and she always has that OMG look on her face, like a deer caught in a headlight. She can't show any emotion because her face is frozen in place. She couldn't act the first time around on the show and unfortunately it's only gotten worse. The show was better without Rosie & Sophie.
Anonymous 10.13. If that was the case we wouldn't have endless storylines concerning David Platt and family.
I think a lot of the reluctance to see Rosie back is that there isn't much they will do with her character other than have her lurch from romance to romance and probably break up at least one existing couple. It's already a snore.
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