Since Rosie's return to the cobbles, she has received a mixed reception from viewers. We had better get used to her though, as she is to stay longer than her initial three month contract. One question that remains unanswered though, is why is she here? After her glamorous modelling life in Miami, she must have realised that Weatherfield. and even Manchester, may not offer the same opportunities. Another question that springs to mind, is, was she really so stupid as to agree to Antoine's request to take a package for him across the pond. How naïve she must be or is there a darker story line to be revealed here? She will be 27 this year so youth is fast losing any credibility as an excuse.
But Rosie can be irritating and, of course, that is part of her character. She channels a kind of helpless female shtick, which I don't find very appealing. No offence to ladies who are reading this, but a pet hate of mine is women and girls, in fact anyone in pink. Rosie has been wearing a pink garment for a while and is carrying a rather unsavoury looking fluffy pink handbag round with her.
In the pub, with new squeeze Adam, she was sharing her concerns about the cocaine and even told Adam where she had buried it. I wonder why. Anyway, clutching her head in dramatic fashion, she mentioned how she would be unable to survive prison. Turns out it was the food that she was objecting to and that she feared they would not have heard of coconut oil. Poor love!
I wonder how long the Adam and Rosie romance will last. These two complement each other in some ways. Both are very much into their appearance and seem to have a good deal of misplaced self-confidence - Adam more so than Rosie. His self-satisfied smug expression along with his scheming and wheeling and dealing, and his exam cheating, all combine to make him lacking in any obvious redeeming feature.
Sophie is the sensible one of the Webster siblings and maybe it is her Christianity which helps her to forgive and tolerate her sister. I'm pleased that for now at least, Sophie has some time as a young single person. Since Maddie's death, she has not been involved in a relationship though not so long ago it looked almost certain that Sophie and Kate would be pushed together, especially as things were not going well between Kate and Caz.
Sophie has some admirable qualities and one of them is her willingness to accept when she is in the wrong or responsible for a problem. She accepts that her dad's garage problems are her fault in part,for not having taken out travel insurance. Sophie is a doer and having told her dad she is resigning from the garage, she seizes the opportunity to take on Tim's window- cleaning round. I admire too her feminist stance. Explaining to her dad that she will be window cleaning, he expresses surprise. Rosie warns him. 'Why not? Be careful, be very careful.' Good on you, Sophie.
Ruth Owen, twitter:
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Rosie is completely OTT and the actress is having a whale of a time. Fine, everyone should enjoy their job but you can tell when the actors are having more fun than the viewers. It doesn't feel authentic at the moment. Rosie really wouldn't be that ditzy after travelling abroad; she would know about drugs; she wouldn't spill the beans about their location. I'm guessing this is all an act. She is very aware of what she's doing and how she comes across. She's on the run from drug runners. Well, I hope it's something like this otherwise a genuinely ditzy Rosie will be a disaster. As for Sophie, she's up for a career change and chooses window cleaning?? It's a device for the sisters to go on the rounds with the inevitable hilarious consequences. Not exactly thrilled so far.
That is the charm of never know if she is a ditzy as she acts or if it justs serves her purpose. I am enjoying her scenes with Sophie. We all know that - due to the writer's short sightedness - Sophie cannot have a fun friendship with a must lead to lesbian angst. So the fact that she has this storyline with her sister is a breath of fresh air. IMO
I very much doubt this thign with Adam is anything like a relationship. Adam is using Rosie. Full stop. Rosie isn't too bothered either. I think her ideal mate would be someone like Jason, someone that adores her and isn't too sharp himself. Anyone as smart as Adam will soon get bored with Rosie's dim, daft, silly persona where someone like Jason will love her for who she is and enjoy her lighter side. It's hard to believe, but as daft as Eva is, she's still got more on the ball than Rosie who must be about the same age, perhaps a tad younger.
I genuinely think Brooke Vincent has returned from her stint in live theatre (as I wondered if she might) a much better actor. The character of Sophie seems to be played in a more grounded, controlled manner, giving more scope for subtle humour, which contrasts and compliments Rosie's giddy lunacy. Her diction also seems improved. I genuinely did not expect to be saying this, but I'm really enjoying the return of the Webster girls.
Rosie strikes me as crazy like a fox. She was stuck with drugs yet somehow wasn't caught on the way home, now the drugs aren't in her possession anymore but if some bad guys should come looking for it, she can point straight to Adam as having stolen them from her and wash her hands of the whole mess.
I think Adam's been outwitted.
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