The magazine has paparazzi pictures of Chloe using an app in her car to track Peter's every move. And there are pictures of Peter and Chloe arguing and Chloe's in tears. Just what's going on between them and what will it mean for Peter and Toyah?
I'm not convinced of any chemistry between Peter and Toyah so I'm looking forward to seeing how this pans out and if it will leave Toyah single. Let's hope so - and then Spider can return! Please?
Chloe is played by actress Jo Anne Knowles, who has been in Coronation Street four times before in different roles. Find out more about her here.
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I'm beginning to wonder if Chloe is some kind of investigation officer for insurance/unpaid tax etc. It might explain why she was so pushy in his cab. She then ends up falling for Peter.
OK a middle aged cab driver is everyone's secret crush, that you just have to rush out and stalk, right?
You could see that coming already with her making sure to request Peter as her cab driver. Might be interesting. All those years of Peter charming women, marrying two at once, affairs, it's all coming back to bite him big time.
It wouldn't surprise me a bit if Ms.Stalker turns out to be a woman Peter loved and left in the past.
It makes no sense that she'd just be so entranced by the sight of his nape as he drove her cab that she began to stalk him.
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