TODD AND SOPHIE JOIN THE WEATHERFIELD DEMI-MONDE When Rosie overhears Brian complaining that someone dug over the allotments in the night, she realises with horror it must have been Adam. Rosie confesses to Sophie how she told Adam about the drugs and suspects he’s stolen them. Sophie listens in disbelief. Adam confides in Todd and suggests they set up in business together - how will Todd react?Adam tells Rosie and Sophie that if anyone comes looking for the drugs, he’ll pin the whole thing on them.
BETHANY REALISES HOW MUCH SHE NEEDS NATHAN Having taken Sarah’s advice and filmed a new video using her phone, Bethany’s gutted to find out from Faye that she’s being lambasted online as it’s substandard compared to her earlier efforts. When Bethany explains to Sarah how her phone video was a total flop, Sarah urges her to return to the salon and make another professional one instead. Bethany meets up with Nathan and shows him the awful video. Telling her how much he fancies her, Nathan reels her in. Utterly thrilled, Bethany leans in for a kiss and Nathan responds passionately.
KEN AND DANIEL BREAK BREAD Having been invited for tea, Ken arrives at Daniel’s flat. Daniel apologises for letting him down whilst Ken struggles to make small talk with Sinead. Ken laments to Brian how he has high hopes for Daniel and worries that Sinead will drag him down.
ELSEWHERE When Tracy reveals that Luke intends to track down Andy in Bristol, Phelan masks his concern. Explaining that he’s short of cash, Phelan persuades Ken to give him the rest of the money for the kitchen up front.
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Could this storyline with Ken lead up to Phelan's comeuppance? Ken will keep quiet about handing over the cash, as some elderly folk do, to avoid looking like a mug. Eventually, Peter and Tracy get wind of what's going on and unmask Phelan as a rogue. He may not get done for all his crimes but he'll have to leave the Street. With any luck.
I predict there is no way he's leaving the Street without being exposed as, among other things, a murderer (we assume). It just wouldn't be dramatically satisfying to see him driven off for ripping off a pensioner. It would be like mass-murderer Al Capone being nailed for tax evasion.
Wondering how Tracy and Phelan are going to be a team. I read somewhere that they will be teaming up and I'm kinda looking forward to that. We've seen the softer side of Tracy (she did kill Charlie in cold blood let's not forget though) so she could be a worthy adversary for Phelan...especially if he tries to pull a nasty on Ken or Luke...
The show should get back to having Ken be above it all. Having him play the concerned parent is ridiculous: what high hopes could he have had for Daniel since he didn't even have a clue what was going on in his life for the last few years. For all he knew Daniel could have dropped out of school and be as interested in going back as his other kids, Tracy and Peter.
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