Inside Soap magazine reveal this week that now that Michelle's after a divorce from Steve, he'll use it as a ploy to have a change of heart about his baby boy.
Leanne realises that she doesn't want a legal battle over the baby with Steve, so agrees to let Steve sees his son if he agrees not to involve any lawyers. But what will Nick make of this decision? And, I wonder, could this be leading up to the storyline where Ben Price, who plays Nick, will be leaving the show?
Leanne chooses not to tell Nick that she's alloweing Steve to see baby Olly, and so in time honoured fashion in soap land, he's bound to find out. Oh 'eck.
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I'm glad about this; though it's all a big mess at the moment, Steve deserves to see his son and Leanne obviously agrees. Nick is being childish and irritating and has been for some time so I gladly await his prompt departure!
Obviously, that's how things are going to be but Steve's never been such a great father that he deserves anything. If Ruairi had lived, he wouldn't be asking Leanne for the time of day out of fear of Michelle. Steve's not marrying Leanne so this baby will spend the rest of his life being known as Steve's "accident".
Leanne wanted a baby and Nick was fine with being named the baby's father despite not being biologically the dad. In real life, if any man deserved to be that baby's father and see him regularly it would be Nick, flaws and all. Steve is cowardice personified.
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