Maria's over the moon to see her son again, as you'd expect. And Eva's the one who accompanies Liam to visit his mum in jail.
But Liam has a request that Maria's not too happy to hear. He wants to move in with Eva and Aidan and Maria can find no good reason to refuse her son his request.
When Eva returns home with Liam and tells Aidan that Liam's moving in, Aidan's not best pleased, as you can imagine.
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1 comment:
Liam is growing so fast and I love the fact that he wants to visit his mum (even in prison). A new Love Triangle is growing here (Eva the unsuspecting, loving and gorgeous wife... Aiden the unwilling but torn man in the middle... and damaged but sweet Maria). Maybe a modern twist on the Ken-Deidre-Mike Baldwin triangle?
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