As Toyah and Leanne go on a spa day, Peter's pictured out and about with a dark-haired woman called Chloe.
Chloe is played by actress Jo-Anne Knowles who has been in Coronation Street before. Corriepedia tells us that she played the roles of:
- An unnamed Nursing Sister at Weatherfield General when Tracy Barlow was admitted in March 1995
- TV reporter Gilly Saunders who interviewed Lily Dempsey about Mayfield Court in July 1996
- Housewife Mrs Hardy in June 1999
- DC Ann Short who was involved in the alleged disappearance of Linda Baldwin in the autumn of 2001
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This will likely be much ado about nothing: Peter only strays after he's supposed to be officially committed to a woman and as of now, he's still free.
Probably just a decoy to stop Leanne finding out about Toyah.
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