So, let's examine the evidence.
We know that Phelan whacked Andy with the laptop.
We know that Phelan then appeared at the back of his van looking a bit sweaty.
But what we didn't see was Phelan dispose of Andy's body, or any sign that Andy had indeed been killed.
Then we saw Phelan turn up for his wedding to Eileen with a spot of blood on his cuff and mud - or was it blood? - on his shoes.
And there we have it, incontrovertible proof that I haven't got a clue.
I'd love to think Andy was still alive and that he'll stagger back to Corrie one of these days to bring Phelan down.
Do you think Andy's still alive - yay or nay?
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Yay. I like Andy. Plus Corrie is good at making it look like a certain thing has happened then it turns out it didn't.
I think he's dead--although I wish I could guess otherwise! I think Phelan has now crossed the line and is going down the path of Stape and Hillman. Plot seems to be following a trajectory similar to the ones with the guileless women (Fiz and Gail) marrying someone who has embarked on a career as a serial killer. Wouldn't be surprised to see another victim too--maybe someone the new producer wants to get rid of! And perhaps the culmination of the story will be a potential threat to Eileen and much soul-searching from Todd. Doubt if Eileen will meet her maker--though some might hope. jeanie
Nay. Phelan may even have put the body somewhere thinking he's dead but if being similarly whacked on the head didn't kill Phelan recently or when Gary hit him a couple of years ago, Andy could still be alive.
I'd love to see the look on Phelan's face if he opened the door and found himself getting carted off to jail while Andy"Lazarus"Carter and everyone in the street looked on.
He's not dead - I saw him in Manchester the other day.
It would be great if we are kept in suspense for a while, then the plot is concluded in an unexpected way. Not much chance of that happening though!
I think I mentioned it in another post, I see it being a few months time and Andy reappears with finally enough evidence to bring Pat crashing down. Maybe both he and Steph return for it and when it's over fly back to Portugal with a happy ending.
I don't think Andy is dead. The way Phelan smacked him one with the laptop wouldn't kill him. If he'd been holding it the other way and clouted him with an edge, it might have broken his skull. But as it was, nah!
Another thing, I posted on another thread that the actor playing Phelan was interviewed not so long back and he said that although Phelan was a lot of things, he wasn't a murderer.
Andy is dead.
I hope that Andy is not killed off. Andy's a very likeable character, and Corrie shows how a normal man can be pushed to his limits. I don't think that we need to see a body, it's better for suspense and allows the actor the opportunity to return. Every villain, such as Phelan, needs his comeuppance, and I hope that Andy is the one slated to give it to him. In the future, after a sojourn where he becomes more bent on revenge for the death of Phelan and the loss of Steph.
OvenMaster, it still doesn't confirm Andy is dead. Could all be a red herring.
He may have stunned him with the laptop then strangled him, seeing as he was on top of him. I think he's dead and Phelan has crossed the line.
I was really hoping they were going to twist things up a bit and have Steve or Tim or one of the "Michelle search party" find Andy's body hidden in the undergrowth somewhere.
And I thought for a minute that Michelle was on the roof of the fake apartment building and that she might spot a dead body from up there.
Nah..there's nothing for him to do and his is not a strong enough character. Badly written IMO. An old toad like Phelan can hold a young strong guy like Andy against the wall with one hand? Really..
I actually liked Andy, they just didn't do enough with him. Plus he was easy on the eye.
I'm getting a bit fed up of this Phelan storyline now though. Although maybe once he gets found out, Eileen might leave out of embarrassment. Or maybe he'll do her in too. Once can hope.
I'm guessing it depends on how long they want to keep Phelan around for. If he starts to reform and stays a bit longer, wahey! Andy's alive. If he decides to leave, boo! Andy's dead.
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