Next week we'll find out that Adam discovers his inheritance from Ken's changed will is a lot less than he imagined it would be. When he goes to the Rovers for a pint to drown his sorrows after he finds out about the will, he bumps into Todd and the two men trade stories about who gets what when someone dies.
It's not long before the two of them realise what they can do with their combined skills...
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Maybe it will be a good time for Adam to experiment and come out as bisexual?
Don't ask me why, but I did see these two hooking up. They are a lot alike....a couple of worms!
From what I have ascertained - Adam was a lawyer in Canada and Todd worked as a law clerk in London.
I actually like the sounds of this!
Yes, it could work.....not as a get rich quick scheme though, but as a legit law firm, the people on Corrie are always needing legal advice/lawyers!
I can see it now, a new set opening as a law firm "Legal Eagles." Both Adam and Todd using the skills to 'help' the locals, with surprisingly Todd be the more moral one, akin to how he used to be before London. Get drinking one night and ends up in a kiss, Adam's bisexuality making it appearance we've heard the rumors about since his last stint. What would the Vicar say? lol
Strangely enough, the thought that two (both legally trained and in want of employment) might get together crossed my mind last week. But not as a couple! Not every gay character's life is dominated by personal relationships, and Todd has shown himself to be more committed to his current one than Billy has.
My curiosity was piqued when I first saw this. They both have legal experience, are at loose ends jobwise, and live on the same street.
They both have a devious streak too.
Works for me.
I'm not an expert, but wouldn't a person who is licensed to practice law in Canada have to be recertified in order to practice law in Britain? I know in Canada many of our judicial laws are the same as in Britain, however we do not differentiate between attorneys and barristers. Surely before Adam could hang out his shingle he would need to have the necessary paperwork in order. I believe Todd was only a para-legal therefore not fully licensed. Or am I just nitpicking????
I would have thought that if Adam was a solicitor, he would be have doing more than sitting on his backside for weeks. Same goes for Todd, why has he not got a job in a solicitors in Manchester
Don't be silly Jan, that would involve him having to travel to work. People on the Street only like to walk across the road to work.
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