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Steve McDonald. Lazy? Layabout? Lothario? Just a few words that spring to mind when the name is mentioned. Ok, perhaps lothario is pushing it, though he's certainly had his share of lovers since he first walked the cobbles as a teenager back in 1989. But cast your mind back to the 90s and you'll find Steve was quite a different character to the one we know and love today.
Steve married Alec Gilroy's granddaughter, Vicky, in an attempt to get to her inheritance. In those days, he was very much driven by cash. He said he loved her, of course, but he's said that so many times in his life, we've all lost count (he managed to fall out of love with Michelle, in love with Becky, out of love with Becky and then back in love with Michelle again!)
But cash was his driving force back in the day and amongst wooing Vicky and selling stolen car radios, he tried his hand a printing t-shirts. He was a grafter. It seemed, at least to me, that back then, the producers were priming him to be the next Mike Baldwin (unfortunately, Mike discovered he had a family he'd forgotten to mention for 30 and they ended up running Underworld). But by the late 90's, Steve had lost all interest in money.
Or perhaps he just grew up. Either way, he turned into the man who runs two businesses whilst barely seeming to lift a finger. Except to reach for the tin of biscuits in the cab office.
But perhaps it was his love-life that got in the way of his mission to be the highest paid CEO of t-shirt printing in Greater Manchester. He has, of course, been married six times. Which is quite a lot for someone only just on the wrong side of 40. One might call him the Elizabeth Taylor of Weatherfield. Or the Gail Potter Tilsley Tilsley Platt Hillman McIntyre Rodwell of Weatherfield. But that sounds ridiculous. And would be slightly confusing.
So, Steve dabbled with big business, went to prison, married 73 different people, bought a taxi firm, bought his mum a pub and fathered Rosemary's Baby. Sorry, Tracey's baby (the delightful Amy. Which I think should be her actual name: The Delightful Amy. I can just see her laughing mischievously in a cloak).
But Steve's lowest time came when he was diagnosed with depression. Luckily, it was cured within eight weeks. And, as quickly as the writers moved on, so shall we.
For someone who has been so busy, perhaps Steve has the right to steal every scene he appears in by looking like he just got up from the couch after picking at his feet. Running two businesses seems remarkably stress-free. Who knew?
With thanks for this guest blog post from Coronation Street fan Rob Coates.
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Another excellent guest blog! Thank you Rob Coates for helping to put Steve McDonald's character into greater perspective!
I have always liked the Steve character but have felt since his return from a long break that Steve is coasting through the scenes and he does not look like a happy camper or very interested in anything. Maybe it is because I read about his "real life depression" and I can only say that I wish him the best of luck in dealing with it. I miss him and wish his old friend Lloyd would come back. They were good together. Michelle is not the right person for Steve.
Great analysis, which stops short of being perfect because it leaves out the wonderful Karen, who was a real match for Steve. I agree about Michelle - they are just not suited to one another.
Love Steve but can't stand Michelle - they are not suited and Steve seems to have lost some of his oomph since they got together! Bring the old larrikin back please!
Yes, I too thought Steve was one of the more interesting characters. But this character has run out of steam. He, Liz, Michelle and the entire Platt/Tilsley clan (with the possible exception of Audrey) should get off the show...maybe have them move to Spain permanently or else go on a family vacation somewhere and either fall off a cliff or just drive into the sunset, never to set foot on the Cobbles again. It's a soap... it's possible... the writers are currently writing some pretty impossible stuff anyway...
Steve just gurns his way through every scene, is that really acting?
Anonymous 08.38 - I have made that same point in the past. It is not acting, it is embarrassing to watch imo. I am not fond of the character, he behaves like a fool for a man in his forties.I wish the writers would do better by him or, that the actor asks for more realistic scripts.
It's been said before on the blog. Steve needs a partner who's a bit mad so he can play the voice of reason. His most successful partnerships were with Karen and Becky and it's no co-incidence that those actresses were brilliant. Simon Gregson is a a good actor but not good enough to lift a so-so acting team. If Michelle and Robert get together, it will be one of the most boring on the Street while Steve and Leanne, if it happens, will zip with chemistry. Leanne should stay with Nick, though, because otherwise Nick would have to find someone new and that would be tedious.
I agree Humpty and just to add - I am dreading the Michelle / Robert stuff . Robert bores me rigid and I don't see the attraction at all in him . Putting him with Michelle could be the end of the pair of them imo ( which may not be a bad thing ). I am also not liking the Shona storyline which I do not believe. I appreciate that more characters have to be brought in if they are to show Corrie every night of the week But I do not believe that Billy would get so involved , that Todd would go along with it , that she would get a job in a cafe dealing with money , that she would get a job in a cafe with no evidence of a food hygiene certificate , that she would get a job in a cafe a few yards away from David whose wallet she stole etc etc etc
Michelle's drama has always dragged Steve down. He was always better with Karen or Becky who were sparky and fun. In fact, it was when their drama became too much that Steve finally backed off.
I agree with all of the above except for the idea about Steve & Leanne - now that's just plain yuck - I don't think either one has enough "oomph" to make that duo work. Another snooze fest. Same for Robert & Michelle, not because I don't like Robert, which I really do, but it would just be another reason for the residents of the street to argue and bicker about Michelle leaving Steve for Robert. Now how boring would that be??? But if Leanne leaves Nick what would become of him? More anger in the Platt family??? I wouldn't thank anybody for that storyline.
Bring back Karen!! But seeing that Suranne Jones is doing so well, it is very understandable that she might not want to return to the street. She was amazing and truly loved Steve. I miss their sparks!
Steve and Chesney are two of a kind--they may have a different style of bad acting but they are two actors who haven't been able to grow their characters or their acting skills beyond their initial persona on the soap. Chesney is still the melancholy little boy, unable to feel any joy, anxiously anticipating yet another kick from life/Cilla. As a child, his melancholy performance was poignant, but now it's dreary. Similarly, Steve is still the goofy, irresponsible teenager but now it just looks bizarre in a forty something adult with, supposedly, two businesses to run. Case in point--any time these two actors are given a "serious" story line they can't carry it. Steve just grimaced, yelled, and gesticulated his way through his depression. Chesney stood around, long-faced, hand-wringing, and moping, for any serious event in his life (Katy's infidelity, Sinead's paralysis). These characters are kept around the soap because of their history, but it would be great to just replace them with more dynamic and versatile actors/characters. Jeanie
Steve does need a more lively partner and that's why I don't think it can be Leanne. She's not hard like Michelle but there's an undercurrent of sadness in her. I'd like to see her with a baggage free man for once and Steve is a cargo plane full of that.
I agree, Maricha. Leanne does have an undercurrent of sadness in her and that's a very good way of describing her. I don't actually think they should put Leanne and Steve together though I can see the writers might head that way. Steve and Leanne could work well as a non-romantic team, though, in much the same way as Leanne always buzzes with Peter. Given the current male population, Nick is still probably best for Leanne if the writers let him grow up. As for Steve, his best match isn't on the Street at the moment. Here's a revolutionary idea. Can he be single for a while?
I agree. Steve and Leanne could be great friends and parents without needing to be romantically involved. Having Leanne be Simon's mom, even though it got rough, took the character to the next level. I hope Nick and Steve are given that opportunity with the new baby.
Please everyone forget the Steve and Leanne scenario. It will never ever work out. The two of them together as a happy couple - never going to happen. Once the story line about the death of the baby is over Michelle and Steve should part ways. Put Steve back to running the pub, a single happy man, keep quiet about him being the father of Leanne's baby and for gods sake either throw the idiot Nick under the bus or have him start acting like an adult instead of a spoiled jealous brat. Forget about Karen and Becky, these actors are never going to come back to the street.
Why don't they bring Andy back for a while? It might re-energise Steve who has lost some of his spark in recent years. Or better still find a reason to release Jim from prison. The pairing with Michelle is too homely. He needs someone he can justifiably lose his rag with.
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