My guess - and hope - is that Freddie will take up the empty flat while Maria is serving at Her Majesty's Pleasure for the next few months. As the flat's above Audrey's salon, this would lend itself very nicely to further development of Audrey and Freddie's relationship, with him as her tenant, living above the shop as it were.
But if it's not to be Freddie, what do you think should happen to the salon flat while Maria's away. Should anyone move in - and if so, who would you like to see there?
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Interesting, this flat vacancy. I guess Kirk could store all her stuff. Does the furniture belong to Audrey or Maria, I wonder...
I'm Canadian, and we are 2 weeks behind in episodes. So excuse my thoughts, it they no longer fit:
Sarah, Bethany and Harry should find their own space. No doubt Gary could move in, if they are a couple again. But seeing as Sarah seems to forget she works at the Rovers, I doubt she could afford the rent. Unless Granny gives her a discount, to keep the flat warm for Maria....
I'm fast forwarding too much no doubt - but Michelle might be needing a place to go, when her marriage inevitably falls apart. She doesn't have Carla's flat to hide out anymore when things get tough.
Brian if he gets evicted by everyone. He has a job with the council so could easily pay the rent. He would only need one bedroom so Maria's stuff could be stored in the flat.
I think it could be Cathy and Alex. Adam would be another possibility: hard to play the big shot under Daddy's roof.
Shouldn't Kirk and Beth move in there so that Liam's routine isn't too disrupted? With Chesney and Craig also in their house there's barely any room for the lad. Liam would still have all his toys and home comforts if he stayed in the flat.
If we're talking about empty flats that need filling, how about the other one over the Kabin? The last residents there were Tina and Graeme, to the best of my knowledge, so it's been vacant for years. It'll be getting damp from being out of use for so long.
I never saw the door to the flat over the hairdresser's before in its surroundings. Quite a hidden door, no wonder Caz was able to get in so easily without being seen.
If someone has to move in, I'd vote for Sarah and her brood. Davids house is overflowing. Audrey had enough cash to help him buy Gails house, so I'm sure she could make an affordable rent for Sarah. Not sure I like Audrey kicking Maria out, though. They have a special relationship and she's been a steady employee for years. She's a widowed mom for whom the space is perfect. Would rather send Kate packing and move Sarah to Johnny/Lloyd's old flat, and have Craig or Robert move in temporarily to keep it occupied.
Why would anyone need to move into her flat - all of her Liam's things are there does she not own the furniture?
Am watching in Canada and have not seen hide nor hair of Liam since the day Maria got sent down. I assume that Kirk and Beth are looking after him, but when Aiden went to visit Maria he told her Liam had a good Christmas why wouldn't she have been told that by Kirk, I assume he visits her?
I thought David already bought the house from Gail, still the house is over flowing with people, also is Eileen's, Chesney's, the Barlows Etc. Is this the English way?
Wasn't the second empty flat over the Kabin sold by Jason to Brian and Julie? Did we ever find out whether they onsold it after they split? Presumably they did or Brian would be using it now?
Kirk and Beth, with Liam of course, oh and Craig and Darrel.
Рhelan and his huge ego - that'll take uр all the sрace :)
I also assumed that Kirk and Beth were living in the flat looking after Liam.Frankly considering that his father was brutally murdered before he was born and his mother now in jail,it would be uncharacteriscly cruel for Audrey to evict Liam from the only home he's known in favour of Sarah.
Didn't Adam and Daniel already move out to one of the flats around the street, forget which.
Oh yeah. I'd forgotten about Maria already.
I'm sure Michelle will have Robert's new Victoria Court flat to move straight in to - if she can be prised out of the Rovers, that is. She's already chucked Steve out!
Adam is living in the Corner Shop flat, sharing with Daniel (although he did inexplicably appear in a dressing gown at No.1 a couple of weeks ago AND posted Daniel a birthday card. Some of the writers maybe didn't get that memo?)
But she would still have had to walk the length of the street, or else right in front of the Salon window, to reach it.
Robert has a new flat at Victoria Court.
I don't know why the flat would be let to anyone else at all. Surely Maria has a lease and Audrey is too soft to rent it out from under her since she'll probably not be in prison the whole year anyway.
Sarah, Bethany and Harry. It's enough that she's living with her brother and his family, but mummy too? How big is David's place anyway? I mean really.. how big are any of those dwellings? They're over-flowing with characters that have no where to live.
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