We don't often have dream sequences on Corrie, but tonight's ep starts with a tiny Andy trying to beat down several Phelans, to no avail. Andy's day starts off badly and goes downhill from there, as Pat lets himself into the flat to tell Andy to do "one last thing" for him. Unfortunately, that one last thing, after Phelan tries and fails to break Kev's laptop, is to burn down the garage to destroy the CCTV evidence of Phelan admitting the fake flats scam. Pat spikes Kev's drink and then deposits him in the garage to sleep it off/get blamed for the fire.
Andy manages to get out of the flame-filled garage, but drops his keys in the process and, back at the flat, can't get the washing machine to wash his smoke-stained clothes, which leads him to confess to Steph that he's being blackmailed. She leaves the flat after she discovers what her boyfriend is capable of and runs into Phelan and his veiled threats, leading her to the conclusion that she and Andy must leave Weatherfield and start a new life in Portugal.
If I've ever had any doubts about the acting chops of Kym Marsh from Hear'say, then they have been put to bed by her performance during the last few episodes. Michelle is exhibiting signs of clinical depression, saying that she can't imagine living life without Ruairí, refusing to speak to her mum on the phone or see anyone. Steve is in need of distraction, drinking rosé with Tim and Sally (it's not a cruise with (robot) butlers, but it'll do for Sal) in the back room and having tea and Viennese Whirls with Eileen in the cab office. This further upsets Michelle, who can't believe Steve is trying to get back to normal. On his way back, Steve bumps into Nick who, with no notion of tact or diplomacy, asks if there was a reason for the miscarriage and gets a punch for his trouble. This is witnessed by Michelle, who, in deep distress, throws Steve out of the flat and the pub.
Gemma suggests grab a granny night at the Ritz nightclub but Chesney, despite having the mental age of a granddad is not interested, much to Sinead's eye-rolling. Fortunately, the charming Daniel is around to sit on Maxine's bench and admire Sinead's, erm, marketing ideas. Ah, he's sweet, like kittens and sherbet dib-dabs. Although not that sweet since he's quite obviously Ken's son: sniffing around someone who's already boyfriended.
Meanwhile, Gary returns from Germany to find that there's no job at the gym because there's no gym anymore. But his on off on off on off on off on off on off relationship with Sarah is back on after Sarah helps Anna back home after she witnesses the garage fire. Swings and roundabouts, hey. Bethany though, is getting in deeper with kerb crawler/groomer Nathan, who admires her hairstyling handiwork and offers her a camera to set up her own youtube channel. I guess Bethany's forgotten that her great-grandma owns a salon?
Oh and finally, Sally enforces a sex ban until Tim can come up with a solution to reduce global warming, or at least a conversation that's not about Weatherfield County.
Rachel Stevenson - personal blog
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Andy's dream ... hmm. It seemed more like a trailer for an Explosive Week, to be honest, and really doesn't feel like Corrie, which has (almost) always taken a realist approach. There have been the odd exceptions that take us inside a character's head (Jack's death and the Voices from the Past that accompanied Elsie's last taxi ride spring to mind), but these have been very few and far between. Looks like there's going to be a lot more of this in future. But, hey, at least it wasn't accompanied by incidental music!
Cobblestone, I was just thinking the other day that we haven't heard from you in quite awhile - perhaps you have given up on watching the show entirely?? I wouldn't blame you if you had, but as you mentioned it wasn't accompanied by incidental music - we should be grateful for small mercies.
Andys nightmare was jarring but as someone who has dreams so vivid I sometimes have to check google or my mom to make sure they weren't real, I'll buy it. Just don't do it too often.
Michelle, Steve and Liz were wonderful again. Two kinds of despair and one mom trying to be supportive. Doesn't the NHS provide any sort of grief counseling? Michelle could really use a home visit. Oh and did Gary actually forgot Jake on his list of people who would keep him from moving to Germany or did I miss it? And Steve, thanks for serving up a knuckle sandwich to Nick. We all wish it could have been us.
They are portraying Steve as remarkably insensitive. Men grieve too. You'd think Steve would be exhausted too.
I don't know that Michelle is clinically depressed. She is grieving. It only happened a day ago. You don't just move on overnight.
No, I haven't stopped watching the show. I've just been particularly busy, but I've kept up with all the discussions on this blog, even if I haven't had much to contribute, above what others have already said. Nice to be missed 😉
Save the 'dream' sequences for trailers - what is kate doing to our show????
How did kevin get out of the car and garage in time??
Kevin was in the old garage, the fire was in the new garage over the road.
If I was Liz, I'd be worried about my son. He's on medication for depression and this kind of devastating grief could be very detrimental to his mental health. Poor Steve is trying to deal with it as best he can, trying to keep his mind occupied, I suppose, and he's trying to be strong for Michelle.
Missing in action: where is Billy? I know Michelle isn't COE but Billy is a friend and neighbor trained at comforting the grieving. She's known him for years. Even a mention that he had been by off camera would make sense. Having a vicar live three doors down and not pay a visit doesn't.
The thing about Phelan wanting the garage burned down b/c he couldn't smash Kevin's laptop makes no sense; why didn't he just steal it?
I am sure Michelle will be back to her old self soon and falling in and out of love with this one or that one.
I found Liz' zipper sweater very distracting! Anyone else?
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