ADAM’S ONE CHEAT WHO IS DETERMINED TO PROSPER Following her unexpected tryst with Daniel, Sinead realises she needs to talk to Chesney, meanwhile Adam revels in winding up Daniel. But when Daniel discovers that Adam is cheating at his legal exams he sees a way of getting back at him. Is Daniel playing with fire by winding up Adam?
ROSIE DIGS HERSELF IN DEEPER Determined to try and save the business, Kevin takes on too much work. Rosie and Sophie ponder over their options. When Rosie finds out from Sally that Tim has an allotment, she forms a plan. Clutching the biscuit tin, Rosie drags Sophie to the allotment and suggests they bury the drugs there.
ELSEWHERE In the café, Bethany shows Todd her latest online hair video. Todd’s impressed. Having bunked off school, Bethany discusses her next online video project with Nathan in the salon. Luke is trapped under a car at the garage.
CHESNEY TAKES THE FIGHT TO DANIEL Chesney is devastated to find out about Daniel and Sinead and seeks his revenge but he hasn’t bargained for Daniel’s darker side! Meanwhile Fiz is not impressed with how Sinead has treated Chesney.
ADAM CHARMS ROSIE As Adam and Tracy approach the garage, they’re horrified to find Luke trapped under a car. Using a jack, Adam lifts the car and Luke crawls out. When Kevin admits he wasn’t using the safety stand and Luke’s accident is entirely his fault, Tracy promises him he hasn’t heard the last of this. Chancer Adam tells Rosie he will talk Luke out of suing Kevin if she will go on a date with him.
ELSEWHERE Bethany’s thrilled to see the number of likes online for her latest video, unaware that Nathan ordered his assistant Mel to bolster the numbers.
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Does anyone else recall that in May 2011, Kevin was crushed under a car in the garage when his new hydraulic lift collapsed (after Tyrone beat on it, in a fit of rage)?? Do the story writers seriously have dart board of previous storylines that they just toss at and then add new characters to the mix??
It may seem like it....but actually this is more believable than most. It is a garage type accident, and considering the pressure the men have been under, things can get out of control and accidents like this can happen.
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