Yes, it all happens next week on Coronation Street, Inside Soap magazine tells us.
And Chesney isn't the only one to rail against Daniel as he starts his new relationship with Sinead. Ken's also not pleased with Daniel's actions because he doesn't think Sinead is good enough for his son.
Ken's disappointed in Daniel because while he's fighting with Chesney and fretting about Sinead, he misses an important appointment that Ken has set up for him in relation to his future studies. He storms round to Daniel and Adam's flat to have a word with his son and finds Sinead there looking very cosy indeed.
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Ken's got some nerve, for all he knew until his stroke Daniel could have disappeared off the face of the earth like his mother. What business is it of his who Daniel dates? To have a say in people's lives you need to be a reliable part of it.
I've gone right off Sinead and Daniel.
I like sinead and Daniel. They make a good couple and Katie and rob are both such talented actors- I just hope they get some good storylines!!
Sinead tells Chesney they move too fast when she moved in and now she's doing the same with Daniel?
I wonder if Daniel will give up his studies for Sinead just as Todd did for Sarah years ago?
It's an odd replay, because Chesney also strayed from the books (way too young) to have a kid with Katie. Hopefully Sinead and Daniel are wise enough to steer an in-between course where they get to have fun and support each other in their career paths as well.
It's too soon to tell if Sinead and Daniel will be a great couple but it's OK so far.
In the beginning of Cheney's relationship with Sinead it seems to me that she was the one horning in on his life and being jealous of Katy. It's her injury after the minivan crash that made Chesney realize he wanted to stay by her side instead of fight for custody of Joseph. Since he now has neither girl nor child, I hope he gets back to the life he was headed for before all this happened: school, owning a business.
It seems he's to be paired with Gemma but I hope it's only as friends. It hasn't been a year since she was a drug dealer's errand girl and with all the criminals joining the cast, it wouldn't surprise me if she looked for easy money and got in trouble again.
That's just an excuse she's feeding Chesney. Early on he was still stuck on Katy so their relationship wasn't a whirlwind at all.
This romance with Daniel is the one that's moving quickly. Daniel is much too invested in his image as an intellectual to quit school for a job at the Rovers. Also, he's the son of an educated man, it was easier for Todd or Chesney to quit school since their families didn't particularly value education,if Daniel did the same, he'd never hear the end of it unless he moved far away.
That doesn't seem to be in the cards; spoilers said she'd get pregnant so unless that ends with an abortion or miscarriage, this couple will soon be bogged down by responsibilities.
Anon 1650: thanks for the reminder. In fact, wasn't Chesney a maths genius with the chance of a scholarship to the private school Sally sent Rosie to? I seem to remember him doing way better than Rosie in tests. He was always ambitious and hardworking, starting his market stall, just a pity dog collars was a bit if a niche market, so didn't bring in enough profit. It would make sense for him to get some qualifications and a proper career.
I'd love to see that. The show has this story with Bethany getting exploited to inform girls of the dangers out there (which, in my opinion,people have already been amply warned about by talk shows and made for TV movies, etc.). Showing a young adult going back to school after leaving it much too early would be great and set a good example.
For the love of God not another pregnancy! Please has no one ever heard of birth control? This is 2017 not l950!
Apparently not. Even if you have a drunken tryst, Plan B has been around for at least a decade. I saw a Corrie map that indicated the medical clinic was not more than 1 or 2 blocks away so there's really no excuse for these people acting as though they were in a time warp.
Daniel and Chesney in a fight - I can't imagine ever seeing a fight so bad since bridget Jones :)
I still say, and will always say, Sinead is not a good match for Daniel. She is much too gormless and dopey. She would drive someone like Daniel, who apparently has half a brain, to distraction. Another bloke being led by his you-know-what.
I think it would be great if they showed a number of these characters getting further education of some sort--whether at uni, as an apprentice in the trades, in IT training, or even doing weekend craft-making or starting up your own business workshops and seminars. There's absolutely no reason that I can see that they--Chesney, Sinead, Steph, Sophie, Luke, Fiz, Zeedan, Kate, Shona, Sarah, Izzie, Eva, Sean, Mary, Michelle, --could not be on some sort of course or training and also be living and interacting with the people on the Street. Would add more dimensions and potential story lines!
Instead you have about 80% of the middle-aged and young people on the street in these dead-end jobs--scraping by with a few shifts in the Rovers or the corner store and with no ambition to do more. But it doesn't matter, because, counter to all reality, they all seem to have enough money to sup endlessly at the Rovers, wear nice clothes, and take high end spa breaks (which are so expensive I flinch every time I see one!
I,for one, would like to 1. see Yasmeen open a career counselling service to set some of these young people on their way; and 2. actually see someone earn their higher status and success on the street through education or specialized training--as opposed to the current situation where people like Steve, Nick, Tracy, and Sarah are awarded their relative affluence through no effort on their part. Sally and Kevin, as well as Audrey and David, are some of the only characters that you've really seen work and train for their success. The rest are either in dead end jobs, OR have had career opportunities dropped randomly into their laps.
If opportunities for self- and economic growth through education and training were explored more, the show wouldn't have to constantly recycle plot lines like the 'oh no, I'm pregnant, should I get an abortion or bring it to term one.' Jeanie
I completely agree. The show is always recycling plots because the characters are aimless people in dead end jobs. They would have a lot more to do than get drunk and have children they can't figure out how to raise if they got more education and training and opened new businesses on the street. In this day and age people can even attend university online so what's preventing anyone from going.
Steve couldn't even finish one lousy history course without Michelle butting in.
Back in the day, Jenny Bradley attended Uni and it made for good storylines, what with her mates showing up, kipping on the sofa in the flat she rented from Rita, overall bringing a different 20 something energy to the Street. All it seemed to require was an establishing shot where we see Jenny going up the stairs to a generic University building, followed by some dialogue in an interior foyer. I guess they'd need to hire extras to play students milling about, but couldn't they tighten the focus to make a few seem like more? It could provide comedic conflict if Sinead enrolled in a design course, while Chesney followed her there to study business, in hopes of winning her back.
I completely agree with the posters who said they would love to see some of young folk on the street with some ambition. I really hope Daniel completes his education. Looks like we have Toyah who is supposedly a trained counsellor pulling pints in the Rovers! Seriously! Adam supposedly a lawyer yet all we have seen him do is slink around rabbiting on about his share of the factory! Rana is a registered nurse and Zeedan a sous chef why on earth are they living with his Grandmother? Boggles the mind!
Sorry Anon 17:41 if you are worried about "boggles the mind" then you really shouldn't be watching Corrie St. There isn't anything going on right now that DOESN'T boggle the mind. No sense, no rhyme, no reason, same old, same old with a great sense of despair thrown in for no luck.
Once in a while we get some scenes with the younger actors at school. It wouldn't take much effort to rearrange some furniture and props to make that place look like a university. Even if the show didn't want that expense, having the characters carrying around books and a laptop and just saying they were headed to or coming back from classes would suffice. After a couple of years of this they'd simply use their education to start new businesses. In fact, since we don't see the characters 24/7 what's to stop the show from simply having one or two bring up that they're soon graduating and were studying all this time? That way they could instantly have them able to do more than ask for work at the Rover's or Factory. Peter could have finished up a degree in all the time where he's been away, for example.
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