With apologies for lateness of posting this as I have been away (editor, Flaming Nora)
As we return to second of two Wed episodes, there are many loose ends that need tying up. Poor Craig is having a meltdown, as he is suspended and his OCD is affecting him. And Shona is paranoid that David is either seeing someone else, or that he has fallen out of love with her. As much as I don't want these two to break up, the storyline of the afternath of David's rape is being sensitively handled and it feels realistic.
Rosie and Aidan have gone all Columbo, and following a selfie, they spot something of interest for Soph, but because of the selfie ban bet, Sophie wants Rosie to stick to her side of the bargain and go bare. For Rosie this is naked in a way she does not want; without make up.
As uniforms go, Chesney's Shape of Water number is not good. I hate fancy dress parties, but I hate the recent Corrie obsession with costumes even more. Stick some batter on him and sell him, but stop dressing folk up. Madonna sang about this in 1985, so can we stop?
Rosie is bare without make up and she is feeling vulnerable. Sophie takes a snap and Rosie has more followers and is offered a make up contract. Only in Corrie, but it's a fun story. I find Rosie comedic and the lines she is given, always make me smile.
In a neat twist, Bethany attempts to help her pal Craig. After all, he has been her rock through thick and thin. So, this is a really welcome story arc. Eileen has pulled into the street and bought cinematic style camera movement with her. Tear stained and feeling guilty for not knowing what Phelan had become, she is in for a tough time. Poor Craig is battling and Shona is really upset, Sarah finds her and offers her a listening ear but she ups and goes, as she feels rightfully rejected.
Bethany decides to tell Craig's family what has been going on. This is an educational storyline and well worth exploring. Referring to OCD, Beth says: "I thought that when you wash your hands all the time?" And, that sums up why this is a really interesting thing to explore.
Roy gives Shona a place to stay. I love this man, as he is an unoffical foster carer for so many. And he gives Corrie real heart.
Shona visits Josh and looks for answers. She opens up to him and he can then use this information if he wishes. Shona declares to Josh she's out. This gives Josh more power, because David's support network is dwindling.
Craig goes to the doctors and comes clean about what has been affecting him. Bethany is with him, and sits by his side. This is so well researched that Craig says: "I know this sounds daft but it feels right in my head." A perfect way to describe this condition that affects so many.
Eileen sits under a blanket, and she wants to crawl up and hide from the rest of the world. Liz offers her friendship but Eileen is grieving for the man she loved and lost long ago, as opposed to now. And she believes she has killed him. Meanwhile Josh, armed with new information goes to see David and tells him he cares about him. The power here is extreme and shows you how this is about mind games, as much as it is about the rape.
I know some viewers have left Corrie for a bit, as they long for humour in the Kabin, hot pot and kitchen sink drama. But, maybe I'm a lone voice, but I am really into life on the cobbles at the moment, as there is great drama and brilliant performances playing out at the moment.
Glenn Meads
Guest blog post by Glenn Meads who is on Twitter and LinkedIn
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I agree with you, Glenn. I've been watching Corrie on and off, mostly on, since the very beginning and I'm loving it too. I do miss Hilda's malapropisms but that was a different time, a lovely memory. Everything moves with the times, even my life isn't about the 'kitchen sink' anymore.
I haven't been able to watch Corrie lately:/ Can someone explain: "following a selfie, Rosie and Aidan spot something of interest for Soph..."? Thanks!
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