Guest Blog Post from Lucy Inman who is on Twitter: @LucyInman31
“What are you doing tonight Lucy?” “Well it’s a Corrie night, so making a brew and watching that.” “No seriously, what are you doing?”
This is a conversation I’ve had before. People often don’t believe how invested I am in The Street. But I am. I really am! After a long day at work, sometimes all I want to do is sit and get lost in someone else’s problems and worries, albeit fictional. I don’t have Netflix (I know, I think I’m the only person in the world who doesn’t) so when people are talking about Game of Thrones or Stranger Things, they could be speaking Double Dutch. In fact, I thought Game of Thrones was a board game for a long time, until I was corrected. Then I heard people talking about someone called Jon Snow and I thought he was a Channel 4 newsreader! (I’ve since been informed he’s a character in said show).
Basically the point of this blog is to introduce myself. I love Corrie and I love writing, so this seemed like the dream combination! It’s refreshing to find people who want to talk about what’s happening at Roy’s Rolls, why Michelle wears so much eyeliner and what little tearaway Simon is up to now, just as much as me. Coming from Up North, namely Bolton, I have grown up with Coronation Street and many characters such as David Platt. People tell me it’s not real as I yell at Tracy to shut up and arrange some flowers, but I beg to differ. Of course, the characters are fictitious, but often the situations aren’t. I learn a lot from Ken!
Although uncomfortable to watch, David’s current male rape storyline, exquisitely portrayed by Jack P Shepherd and Ryan Clayton, has massively opened my eyes to such a harrowing crime. To see the breakdown of David and know that this is actually happening in real life has been heart breaking.
Personally, my favourite storylines are those where the characters that aren’t normally at the forefront of the soap get to show off their abilities, for example Mary’s friendship with Bethany throughout the child grooming story. Again difficult viewing, but Patti Claire has excellent empathy with a skill for comic timing and it was nice to see her talents showcased with a vulnerability not often possessed by the more satirical characters.
In my opinion, Coronation Street struck gold with Connor McIntyre, aka Phelan. No wonder they kept him on his killing spree longer than intended! Never has an actor confused me so much. I knew I should have morally hated the character for what he was doing, but at the same time I didn’t want him to get caught for his portrayal of the evil builder; a true testament to Connor. However, the other night I had a dream Phelan was chasing me with a gun and then I had to hide someone in my house so he couldn’t get to them, so for my own health I’m glad he’s gone! (For now…)
Finally, I need to mention Roy. There’s not an episode goes by where I don’t wish he was in my life. What a man! It must be an absolute pleasure for Alison King to work alongside David Neilson. A masterclass in acting, their friendship was a stroke of genius. Roy really is the Grandad, best friend and life coach we all wish we had! Mine’s coffee one, please.
Guest Blog Post from Lucy Inman who is on Twitter: @LucyInman31
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Nice 😊 welcome Lucy
Great post, Lucy.
Ah thanks guys ☺️ Lucy x
Love this Lucy! xxx
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