Nick Tilsley is returning to Coronation Street.
Yes, you heard that right.
The tabloids say today that Nicky by will return to Weatherfield in the autumn this year.
Mr Curry Sauce tells the Sun: “Exactly how Nick will be brought back into the fray is still to be decided. But the Platts, and in particular Nick, are a massive part of the Corrie family and always at the heart of some of the show’s biggest storylines. Producers are currently coming up with a bombshell way for him to come back to Weatherfield.”
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Oh no! Couldn't the actor find work? I thought he wanted to spend more time with his family.
My thoughts exactly. Amazing how things change when the bills start coming in
Not one of my favourite characters at all. Who will he sleep with first - Leeanne or Carla?
I hope they bring back the quicksand this time around too... Probably one of my least favorite characters in recent years. Meh.
Pleased. I like the character and I like the actor too.
Lynne from Ottawa -- Say it isn't true! NOOOOOOOOOO
Brilliant! An effervescent ball of fun!
Who's Mr curry sauce? Is this a prank or real? I thought Ben Price would return sooner rather than later. To be honest I think Ryan Thomas (Jason) will be back soon. I mean just as if Jason is living it up in Thailand when his savings have gone with Pat Phelans scam and his builders yard is sitting there and to top it off his mother's been married to a serial killer who she thinks is dead and his brother Todd is missing too
Maybe Nick will come back and take over the factory seeing as Aiden leaves the street soon presumably he dies
It doesn’t say if Ben Price will be returning, although I didn’t mind him. Nick is the glue that group of crazy Platts needs. Hope he has a decent storyline, and if he returns with a lovely wife who keeps his thoughts of Leanne and Carla at bay, even better.
Nick was the one person David could open up to - I wonder if he's coming back to be David's salvation.
Jeanie (anon):
So happy to hear this! Nick is a bit of an uptight jerk when it comes to his love life but the character is wonderful in interactions with his family--David, Gail, Audrey, Sarah--he really pulls them together as a cohesive and believable family unit. And the actor who plays him is great--particularly love the sardonic humor of nasty Nick. I'm guessing he'll be back both in conjunction with the David rape story line and perhaps the Audrey/Lewis and Gail-Rosemary ones. Add Sarah, Gary, and Gary's new baby to the mix and Nick will be rolling his eyes, looking put-upon, and channeling grandmother Ivy in the way only he can!
Double damn - the insipid Nick and another "bombshell". Sigh.
Never liked him, but I think this is what David will need to open up and begin to heal.
I like Nick and hope it's the lovely Ben Price who returns as him.
No to Nick.
Has anyone noticed that the builders sign now reads "Windass" instead of Jason's name? I thought that Kevin was buying another place, whatever happened to that story line? How did Pat ever get ownership and where was Eileen's spine when he was throwing people out of HER house? Sometimes the story is so stupid that I want to barf! And, whatever happened to Mary's mobile home? Did the cops take it for being parked illegally and never give it back or give her money for it? Details are so lacking in this show. I've been watching for many many years and it's still as silly as it ever was. Let's tie up some ends here, and let us know how people who couldn't even tie their own shoes now own businesses and are legal secretaries! I had to study for 2 yesrs to be come a legal secretary, and old Leanne jumps right in. Where does she get all of those clothes? She doesn't have a pot or a window! Where does she get her money? Where do a lot of them????? GRRRRRR
Perkins, I've been thinking along the same lines. Whatever happened to Dev's oldest child, the daughter who was going to uni & then (I think) flunked out?) I don't think she died or anything but it would make sense if once in a while, Dev would say something about her.
Leanne works as a prostitute earning good money. We just never see this part of her life on screen, it's pre-watershed after all...
Anonymous, I thought she had quit that life. I've certainly never seen her doing anything with it.
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