Friday 27th April
RANA GETS A SHOCK Alya, Imran and new waitress Kayla set up the restaurant with Zeedan. Rana is jumpy having heard nothing from her parents, Zeedan says she should set the police on them. Rana receives an anonymous phone call and is shocked when her father arrives at number 6 an angrily accuses her of having her mother arrested. A shocked Rana heads to Speed Daal to have it out with Zeedan for calling the police.
SIMON WINDS UP TOYAH As Simon winds up Toyah she covers in front of Peter fearful of simon blabbing her secret but when Simon’s behaviour oversteps the mark, with him and Tyler skiving off school in the pub back room she realises it may be time to come clean to Peter.
ELSEWHERE An argument between Sally and Yasmeen over a bird feeder ends up with Audrey intervening and getting an injured ankle for her troubles and a trip to A&E. Jude and Mary try to talk Angie out of inviting Jude’s colleagues for dinner. Mary overhears Brian complaining about a long standing vacancy at the council and urges Jude to apply.
Friday 27th April
ZEEDAN GETS THE WRONG IDEA Rana is furious with Kate for reporting her mum and heads off to the station where she tells the police there is no way she would testify against her mum. She apologises to Zeedan who offers her a job at Speed Daal. Kayla walks in to find him hugging Rana and giving her a kiss, Zeedan tells Kayla he thinks Rana still has feelings for him.
TOYAH OUT-MANOEUVRES SIMON Toyah lies to Peter saying she paid for Eva’s course in America and that Simon has been blackmailing her. Unaware of what the real deal was with Eva Simon no longer has any power over Toyah and when Tyler discovers Simon used his phone to text Amy he is furious. Peter grounds Simon and Toyah begs him not to be led astray by Tyler.
SHONA HELPS BILLY WITH SUMMER Billy confides in Shona about his problems with Summer. Shona tells him Summer needs him and is just lashing out as she is hurt. Billy thanks Shona and agrees to try and work on his relationship with Summer.
ELSEWHERE Audrey is thrilled to meet up with Geoff at the hospital. Yasmeen seems unimpressed until Geoff wins her round and asks her out on a date. Angie talks to Jude about being bullied by his colleagues Seth and Philippa and tells Rosie she thinks he is keeping something from her.

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