DAVID’S PENT-UP FURY OPENS PANDORA’S BOX It’s the day of the boxing match and Josh, Alya, Ali, Beth, Chesney, Gary, Jude, Kirk, Mary, Michelle, Rana, Robert, Steve, Sarah, Yasmeen and Zeedan gather for the event. Tyrone has had to withdraw as Fiz has managed to get an appointment for Hope. Josh dismisses David’s request to take Tyrone’s place because of his epilepsy. As the fights commence all is going well until David forces his way into the ring and insists on fighting Gary in Tyrone’s place. As weeks of tension come to the surface and before anyone can stop him David loses control and the crowd watch in horror as he reigns blows down on Gary knocking him out cold.
AIDAN GETS A SURPRISE FROM CARLA The Connors throw a birthday brunch in the Bistro for Aidan and Carla arrives with the news that she has secured a big order for the factory and hands Aidan his gift.
MARY HAS A TASK ON HER HANDS Mary tries to help Jude solve his problem.
ELSEWHERE Roberts hands in Tyrone’s urine sample for the boxing match passing it off as his own. Fiz and Tyrone are upbeat about Hope’s therapy but there is some way to go.
Monday 9th April
DAVID FACES THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS ACTIONS Gary is rushed to hospital in an ambulance and a furious Sarah screams at David that she will make him pay for what he has done. David is arrested and questioned about the attack. Meanwhile doctors tell Sarah that the next 24 hours are crucial for Gary as he has a bleed on the brain. Could David be facing a murder charge?
AIDAN FEELS THE PRESSURE Johnny is concerned to find Aidan looking like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Aidan confesses he is overwhelmed by Carla’s generosity and that he isn’t sure he can cope with the responsibility.
ELSEWHERE Fiz despairs as Hope’s bad behaviour continues and she shows no remorse over stealing a doll from the surgery.
MARY AND JUDE DIG THEMSELVES INTO A DEEPER HOLE Mary’s plans to help Jude hit a snag.
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