Finally Kate and Rana’s relationship is out in the open, will it be more plain sailing from here on in?
I doubt it, there are so many obstacles in their way. Kate forgets sometimes that despite everything Rana is still married. Kate is caught up in this new relationship, where she devotes all her time and attention to Rana and Rana can’t always give that back as she still has some form of relationship with Zeedan whereby she cares for him. When Kate’s not getting all that attention back sometimes it’s upsetting for her.
How does Rana react when Kate asks her to move in with her?
For Kate it feels like a natural progression because she’s happy and in love but for Rana it’s too soon for her.
When Kate sees Zeedan and Rana hugging, does that further unsettle Kate?
She tries to understand the complexities of their marriage but when she sees them hugging she doesn’t know how to behave around this, do I accept it, do I question it? It’s good all fashioned jealousy.
When Imran invests in Zeedan’s business why does that upset Kate?
Kate feels that Rana must have had some sort of influence on Imran to do that and she doesn’t understand why she would do that after she’s tried to separate herself from Zeedan, why are you still playing wifey? Kate doesn’t want Zeedan to suffer but she also doesn’t want Rana to give him false hope.
Do you think they can ever live happily ever after?
Personally I would love it because I think Kate and Rana are a great dynamic on screen and people have accepted this new found love which in the past has been taboo. We want to break down that barrier and I love the response from the Kana fans. As an actress both Bhavna and I really enjoy the challenges of this storyline and working together, doing a lot of crying and girlie laughing, we share the same work ethic.
After everything that has gone on with Rana’s parents, does she feel like the trouble is behind them?
Yes, Kate is very optimistic about their relationship right now, what could possibly get in the way of their love?
Rana has made it clear to Zeedan how she feels but how does Kate feel when Rana is supportive of Zeedan at the restaurant?
Kate feels that Rana is playing wifey and she doesn’t appreciate her leading Zeedan on. It’s making Zeedan feel hopeful about their relationship but Kate keeps reminding herself that they have set a marriage of convenience and Rana wants to be with Kate.
Ideally, does Kate want Rana to cut all ties with the family?
More so with Rana’s parents. Zeedan has been Kate’s friend for so long that they couldn’t possibly cut him out of their lives. It wasn’t Kate or Rana’s fault that they fell in love and if Zeedan said to Kate that he couldn’t be friends with her because it is too difficult for him, both Kate and Rana would respect it but they wouldn’t do that to him. They are in love with each other but they don’t want to lose Zeedan from their lives.
How does Kate feel when she sees Zeedan giving Rana a hug?
Kate sees the look in his eyes, she doesn’t see Rana’s, but it ruffles her feathers because she doesn’t want to see her new found love with her ex. It makes her feel uncomfortable but even more so because they are still married - that breaks her heart. Kate doesn’t want to have a massive go at Rana but she does want to make her aware that she needs to keep her distance and not give Zeedan false hope.
Does Kate feel like she is behaving in a jealous manner or does she feel her behaviour is justified?
She realises that she has been very jealous the whole time; she even says it to her dad and she beats herself up about it. It’s the first time that we have seen Kate get jealous but it’s because Rana is the love of her life.
What, in Kate’s head, made her decide to report the parents to the police?
It’s actually Zeedan who plants the seed in Kate’s head. Zeedan asks Rana how she is doing with the whole parents thing and when Rana says she hasn’t heard from them, Kate thinks that they need to be careful because they don’t know what they are going to do. Kate thinks it’s not safe, what they were doing was illegal, it was uncalled for and she wants to protect Rana. so that stays with Kate and when she realises that Rana is missing her parents, it freaks Kate out.
If they get over these hurdles, do you think they will have a long relationship ahead of them?
I hope so. This is groundbreaking and it’s brilliant for the LGBT community and for Rana’s religion. I think that’s really inspiring for the next generation so let’s go forward with that. We are both trying to give everything we have got to this beginning of a relationship.
Would you like to see them get married?
I would and I would like to see one of them have a child. It would be quite significant for a lesbian couple to be married and to go through that whole process.
How are you enjoying this storyline with the massive reaction you are now receiving?
I am enjoying it more because at first I was sceptical when I was handed the responsibility of carrying this storyline, more so for Bhavna because I didn’t know what sort of backlash she would get. But it’s all been really positive and that is what Corrie does well. We are doing it for good and it’s been so well received that I know that we are reaching out to a lot of young girls that are of the religion that Rana is. I only want the best for Kate and Rana’s relationship so if there is a fandom at the moment for Kate and Rana then I am jumping on that bandwagon - completely.
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Still, just another cheating story. People are trying to make like it's a big romantic story because it's hip to love lesbians. And saying you can't help falling in love is total BS. Part of being an adult, is not acting upon every urge that comes your way. So count me in the not a fan of "Kana" camp.
And there's still Sophie and Sean without partners or storylines.
Zagg, couldn't agree more. All the hype and promotion of the lesbian relationship, and they are still a flat out bore. No chemistry whatsoever. It's a marital affair, and should not be celebrated.
Except the storyline seems to have caught the attention of many young lesbians so I'm told. It's young adult TV which is all about dilemmas and aimed at the OMG Twitter generation. I can understand the appeal but, personally,I'm bored with all the characters in this storyline.
It's destroyed Rana. An interesting character with a bit of spark has been reduced to weeping and pining. Meanwhile Kate has NEVER been interesting.
Just don't like Kate as a character at all, so anybody they'd put her with wouldn't work for me. She's a spoilt little madam.
Kate's character is extremely boring, petulant and whiney. Rana would spark off a more vibrant partnership. Not all angst, jealousy and flouncing off. So flaming childish.
Jeanie: Couldn't agree more with everyone here. A marriage is more than just an intense passion for this person or that person; it's a promise, a legal contract, a deep friendship, an expression of a culture's values, and a coming together of two families. To the writers' credit, I think they're doing a good job of showing that in Rana's on-going conflict and confusion. But for heaven's sake, I sure wish Kate would go p--- the f--- off! Since Rana chose Zeedan and made vows to stick with him, Kate should let her try her best to do that. If the marriage still doesn't work, okay. But at the moment, Kate is doing her active best to break up a union between two people who still have feelings for each other. Clearly if it was another man, not a lesbian, being so aggressively determined to break up the marriage, no one would give this person the time of day! The best thing about this story line is that it has really allowed Rana to come into her own as an actress and a character. Simpering Kate, though; my, she is tiresome!
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