I'm loving Matilda Freeman as Summer Spellman, but the presence of Summer on Coronation Street is causing a few problems...
1. Shortly after her birth, her biological father Charlie couldn't cope with the pressures of parenting, and abandoned her.
2. She is adopted by Drew Spellman. Drew passes away after suffering heart failure as a result of complications caused by cancer.
3. Drew moves in to live with Billy and Todd. Todd does a runner, never to be seen again.
4. And Billy ends up as a heroin addict.
5. Summer moves in with Eileen whose husband turns out to be a serial killer. And she has shocking taste in handbags too, but that's probably not Summer's fault.
And now... ? Summer begins to develop a crush on Aidan Connor. Run, Aidan! Run!
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Oh come on. None of that is Summer's fault.
Er, I wasn't being serious!
Ooh, you're right. Could she be adopted by Tracey next?
Simples. Put her in a room with Phelan for 5 minutes.
Nicola had better watch out! Hide the baby!!!
I like Summer...she reminds me of the kid from the Adams family, rarely smiles, speaks in a montone. My goodness, after all of the misery in her short life I keep expecting her to pull a "mad" moment. We're led to believe she's a little genius so let's see some of it. Surely she'd be begging for attention after being the only adult in most of her relationships. Let's see her on top of the factory holding Phelan at bay with a poison throw dart or something. After all HE DID cause her family to fall apart....
I love little Summer. I only hope she doesn't go the same way as horrible Simon who started off so well and then became such a terrible character.
Such a good little actress for someone so young. Well done Matilda.
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