The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and there’s an, er, unlikely scenario ahead when Summer saves Underworld from certain ruin.
Summer spots a miscalculation in Alya’s figures that could have cost Aidan thousands of pounds. Alya is humiliated and Summer apologies to Alya for showing her up. Gracious Alya asks her to help her with a new idea and the pair of them pitch a sportswear range to an impressed Aidan and Carla.
Then, Aidan finds Summer’s school notebook at the factory and discovers she has filled it with notes about him. He confides in Johnny that he is worried she has a crush on him.
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Oh, good grief! Is this for real? I don't know whether to laugh or cry reading this ludicrous 'plotline'...
Ummmm...yeah....skipped Corrie last night for Classic Corrie. I'm on April 1983 ...I've got 35 years to watch. Let me know when current Corrie is worth watching again..YAWN
I thought Angie Appleton was Aidan's accountant?
Now he has a 13-yer old girl[ who should be in school] working for him instead?That is ridiculous!
I think Summer's grandmother needs to return and take her granddaughter with her!
Jeanie (anon): I like the storyline of Summer's crush on Aidan. It's sweet and cute and not unrealistic--happens all the time with young teenage kids, particularly when they're vulnerable. I remember my sister and how diligently she would collect the smallest bit of information on her latest crush! Plus, it shows a better side of Aidan--the protective side that is always looking out for Kate and now Carla.
Yes, the accounts thing is far-fetched, but, frankly, I'd trust a bright, quick girl with my accounts sooner than Angie or Alya! The one, for all her training, has never noticed that her husband wasn't working or pulling in the salary of a marine biologist. Didn't she notice it when they did their taxes?! And the other one has become positively imbecilic in the last 6 mths: first mooning endlessly over the loss of fantasy soulmate Luke; then responding to the first sleazebag who makes a play for her!
Surely Aidan hasn't given a job to a 13-year-old? ! That must be against employment law. What's Summer doing, hanging round the faktri anyway? Isn't there a health and safety issue if she isn't insured?
An underage crush? Bit close to Bethany's storyline with her groomer if you ask me.
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