Friday 20th April
EILEEN CAN’T ESCAPE HER TORMENTOR Despite Summer’s best attempts to shield Eileen from the nasty comments about her online Gail wastes no time is mentioning them to Eileen and tries to empathise about having a murderer for a husband. Meanwhile at the house Eileen is concerned to find the back door open and that someone has put nails in her car tyres. As she and Nicola return to the house they hear a noise on the stairs and realise they have an intruder - Eileen arms herself with a pan.
DAVID IS IRKED BY THE SALON NEWCOMER David is irritated to discover that Maria has taken on an apprentice at the salon. Alya calls into the salon to say she has a date with Josh, whilst Maria and Jenny enthuse about him Emma the apprentice clocks David’s distress.
SOPHIE IS SHOCKED BY ZEEDAN’S NEWS Sophie calls to talk to Zeedan about a possible job at Speed Daal and is shocked to discover the news about Rana and Kate’s affair.
ELSEWHERE Rana tells Yaseen she feels like an orphan. Carla tells Michelle she has ended her affair with Ali - Michelle is unimpressed and tells her she is not invited to the wedding. Robert swears he will give up the steroids.
Friday April 20th WHO IS STALKING EILEEN? Eileen chats to Abi on Maxine’s bench and offers her the hand of friendship and agrees to let her stay the night. In the backyard of number 11 someone removes the spare key from under the plant pot.
DAVID’S BEHAVIOUR WORRIES GAIL David is furious to discover Emma and the other girls giggling about a picture of him on Josh’s social media. Whilst Gail is helping Roy at the cafe Max and Lily sneak upstairs to the flat to see Shona. When David finds out they have spent time with Shona he says Gail can’t look after the children any more if she lets them see Shona. Gail confides in Sarah that she is worried about David.
ELSEWHERE Rana tells Kate she is not going to report her parents to the police. Aidan offers a delighted Summer some work experience at the factory.
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Isn't Summer too young for work experience? How old is she meant to be? And Alya's grief at losing Luke didn't last long, did it?
That's what I thought, but apparently no child under school-leaving age can be employed in a factory or construction site, EXCEPT on work experience. Children under 13 are generally prohibited from employment. I think Summer is 13, but I'd have thought work experience could only be set up in partnership with her school. I used to be a teacher, and our programmes didn't involve anyone under 15, a day was mostly 6th formers.
Who is Abi?
Seb's mum. Remember her?
@Anon Barely, but thanks!
I thought kids usually do work experience in year 11, ie 15 or 16. There's obviously going to be some point to this new friendship between Aidan and Summer - everything in Corrie seems to lead to something else - I'm intrigued as to what it will be.
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